Yuri Iro Motion Prelude + Yuri Iro Motion [English], by Takayaki
Haaa, love ~~~ Even a shy introverted male teacher, that the female students find creepy, will catch the eye of one sexy highschool girl, who will fall in love with him. “Because hentai”
We’re, simply, shown a happy sex with love scene. It was a bit too blunt to be cute, but it was intense enough :3
I retouched a tiny bit the images, to enhance the contrasts and make the facial and silhouette traits stand out more against the background, otherwise the readers would have to strain their eyes to get the full impact of the scenes. Sorry, I forgot to make before/after pictures this time.
This came from Gurumao, Almond, Imari, Mumei, Afro Thunda and Masamune, from Team Vanilla, thank you very much !
For more delicious hentai, see The list of ALL TakayaKI’s works on Hentairules!
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(15 MB, 19 pictures, English)
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thank you for including ads featuring real life child porn.
If you see something like that, use the contact tab above and send a message to Oliver about it. If it appeared, he probably has no idea about it. Include the link if you can that way it makes it easier to report.
Might sound cliche'd, but it's probably true:
Eternal Vigilance Is The Price Of Liberty xD
Wut ? Where would you have seen this ?
I don't manage ads directly, but I doubt legit companies would promote underage porn, they wouldn't last a week. Would you be confusing "petite" girls with underage girls, something like that ?
If you have more details, contact me by email (oliver at hentairules dot net), I'll take a look !
One of the girls in the 'I know that girl' porn site ad looks a bit… 16ish years old. But porn in the US is strictly regulated for underage girls, so I'm certain she's at least 18 (as of the day it was filmed).
I found what he was mentioning, I got the info by email. Those were drawings of girls that were teens but that couldn't pretend to be adults, indeed. I should have noticed.
Not children, but, still, not something I'd wish to show.
theres a new napata share http://g.e-hentai.org/g/647942/e80ca17c59/
Sweet ! Didn't see it on time for today, will be shared tomorrow, by principe
Thanks ^^
this is good one? http://puu.sh/5qZvv.jpg
Where'd the English go? :<
It is mine version just did de-sensor all pictures I don't know well english… that is why it is only romaji translated I have lot oter stufs too
Well, you didn't even need to know English since it's already translated. You could've just decensored the translated pictures.
It looks good, tho.
The heck's the point of asking for opinions if you don't plan on sharing it? :S
I think Hurp meant : if you made great stuff thanks to the initial work of somebody else (the scanner and internet releaser) it would be only natural that you share with the community the improvements you brought
No, I meant "why are you asking for opinions on your decensor if you have no intentions of sharing the whole thing with us?" Which is exactly what I said.