STR [English, full with priceless dialogues and good anal], by Emua
What the heck did I just read ?!?
This is a share I can recommend both for the drawings (straight anal sex, very hardcore, and bearing very little censorship) and for the dialogues (cheesy, imaginative, hilarious)
This is a story based on happy casual sex with – almost surprisingly – love. The boy is a former professional kancho’er on his female childhood friend, they grew up to be anal sexfriends, and we’re shown the moment their relation turns to that of a boyfriend and girlfriend. Good stuff
I don’t know who’s behind this, thanks a lot to the person(s) who released it !
By the same artist, to this day, I also share Innocent Thing (217 pictures), Sekigahara Shouji Hitodumabu (204 pictures), Analism (208 pictures), Ryouran Gakuen Kakumeiki – Hyakka Ryouran (213 pictures), Shiritagari Joshi (“The Woman Who Wants to Know About Anal”, 9 chapters and 182 pictures long), Face Es-All Divide (147 pages), STR, M & A, and Bind.
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 18 pictures, English)
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Translated by dudemandude123
I never realized how much Emua focused on anal sex in his/her mangas until I went back and looked at some of the other material they have done. Everything I have by them focuses on anal sex such as Lovey Dovey Afterschool Infirmary and Innocent Thing (currently being translated by biribiri btw).
You can add the new one-shot that was just translated to that trend, it's called Bind as was translated by dudemandude123 also.
I'm planning to share it this evening
Download it for the dialogue. It's a comedy routine with anal. thanks Oliver!
Many thanx Oliver. Cute, but i didn't understan the last panel.
translated by: dudemandude123
Yes, Emua does know how to work with anal sex, but what does the title mean?
It’s probably a pun on NTR. The S stands for “Shiri”, which means “ass”.
(*cough* I may or may not have stolen this explanation from Afro.*cough*)
Haaaa… Yeah, good one, that makes sense !
Oh, you must have seen the blog's visual effects from its update to a new version, right ? If you go to your user profile, you chan choose your colors set for the blog, now. I'm horribly tempted to take the vivid pink for a day, just to see if it will actually manage to make my eyes bleed, or not.
Only downside, it made the comments admin page look hideous.
I said this on IRC as soon as I saw it:
[03:08 AM] [HurpDurp] Eww.
[03:08 AM] [HurpDurp] The new Wordpress looks ugly as fuck.
Stolen or not, It is a good (and interesting) explanation.