STR [English, full with priceless dialogues and good anal], by Emua

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments
Tags: comedy

Awesome anal sex, and a hilarious story. I SO approve.

What the heck did I just read ?!? :D :lol:
This is a share I can recommend both for the drawings (straight anal sex, very hardcore, and bearing very little censorship) and for the dialogues (cheesy, imaginative, hilarious) :D

This is a story based on happy casual sex with – almost surprisingly – love. The boy is a former professional kancho’er on his female childhood friend, they grew up to be anal sexfriends, and we’re shown the moment their relation turns to that of a boyfriend and girlfriend. Good stuff :)
I don’t know who’s behind this, thanks a lot to the person(s) who released it ! :)

By the same artist, to this day, I also share Innocent Thing (217 pictures), Sekigahara Shouji Hitodumabu (204 pictures), Analism (208 pictures), Ryouran Gakuen Kakumeiki – Hyakka Ryouran (213 pictures), Shiritagari Joshi (“The Woman Who Wants to Know About Anal”, 9 chapters and 182 pictures long), Face Es-All Divide (147 pages), STR, M & A, and Bind.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 18 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

Translated by dudemandude123

I never realized how much Emua focused on anal sex in his/her mangas until I went back and looked at some of the other material they have done. Everything I have by them focuses on anal sex such as Lovey Dovey Afterschool Infirmary and Innocent Thing (currently being translated by biribiri btw).

11 years ago
Reply to  loplop

You can add the new one-shot that was just translated to that trend, it's called Bind as was translated by dudemandude123 also.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  loplop

I'm planning to share it this evening :)

11 years ago

Download it for the dialogue. It's a comedy routine with anal. thanks Oliver!

11 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. Cute, but i didn't understan the last panel.

11 years ago

translated by: dudemandude123

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
11 years ago

Yes, Emua does know how to work with anal sex, but what does the title mean?

11 years ago

It’s probably a pun on NTR. The S stands for “Shiri”, which means “ass”.

(*cough* I may or may not have stolen this explanation from Afro.*cough*)

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Haaaa… Yeah, good one, that makes sense !

Oh, you must have seen the blog's visual effects from its update to a new version, right ? If you go to your user profile, you chan choose your colors set for the blog, now. I'm horribly tempted to take the vivid pink for a day, just to see if it will actually manage to make my eyes bleed, or not.

Only downside, it made the comments admin page look hideous.

11 years ago


I said this on IRC as soon as I saw it:

[03:08 AM] [HurpDurp] Eww.
[03:08 AM] [HurpDurp] The new Wordpress looks ugly as fuck.

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
11 years ago

Stolen or not, It is a good (and interesting) explanation.