Wakiwaki Sports [English, and Uncensored], by Fueta Kishi
I don’t see how the smell of sweat can be a massive turn-on, but that only goes to show I don’t have that particular fetish. Fortunately, the girl is hot (as always with Fueta Kishi), and vaginal sex follows the weird “penis rubbing armpits” opening ^^;; Oh, and if you care for a summary, this is a simple brains-free share, about two teenagers belonging to a track club, having at last their first time in a locker room. Bloomers, sweat, big breasts, kisses, love, and vaginal sex, with good decensored drawings, it was nice |
For this release, thanks a lot to Nandeyanen, VarKatzas666 and Sword Emperor from LifeForKaoru, and also to 2Hip for the credits information ! ^_ ^
For more goodness, Cf. The list of ALL Fueta Kishi’s works on Hentairules!
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Thanks for sharing!
Translated by Life4Kaoru some time ago. Uncensoring is more recent.
Thanks JBRandom. Here's just a bit more credit data.
translated by: Nandeyanen
decensored by: by VarKatzas666
re-edited by: Sword Emperor
JBRandom and 2Hip, thank you
I'm always glad to see something from Fueta Kishi.
Only two weeks until the next chapter of Fukuyama-san comes out at C85
Was wednesday 'hentai hottie getting drilled from behind' day? 3 shares with similar preview pics.
Thanks for the share, Oliver!
Good One