Happy seventh birthday, Hentairules ! =)
This is a tradition for me, announcing my blog’s birthday with a maximum delay
So, well, yeah, on December 17th, in year 2006, I started a little blog because I wanted to share my love for hentai, and spread the love… it’s been a while, now, eh ?
Seven full years later (it’s even more impressive when you realize that means the blog is in its eight year of existence !!), I’m glad to see the hentai scene has grown so much =)
Thanks a lot, to EVERYONE involved ! The scanlators, the editors, the proofreaders, the webmasters, and also the readers, those who take the time to comment, to bring constructive feedback, the silent leechers, those who spread the love… This is a whole ecosystem, a mini-humanity, and it ROCKS to enjoy being part of it every day ! ^_^
SALUD, OMEDETOU, and whatever appropriate terms come to mind. xD
I had no idea that it had started that long ago.
Happy Annivesary Hentai Rules and thanks Oliver for all the jems that you have brought to my attention!
Happy anniversary hentairules!
thank you for all the shares! Cheers!
Congrats Oliver!
Happy 7th Anniversary HentaiRules! With many more years to come. Gratz Oliver.
Tanjoubi Omedetou!!!
cant believed it's been 7+ years now since this site started.
discovered this around 2009-2010 then started commenting here in 2011.
amazing work Oliver!!!!!! i hope you continue to do this forever!!!!
also any New Year works this wednesday??
Et bonne année! (quand à y être)
wow, 7 years!
congrats Oliver!
lets continue for another 7 years!
Congratulations to us all!
There is no cake!!! :'(
Admit it, this meme is just begging to be used…
And here's to another seven years, cheers!
Joyeux anniversaire Hentairules o/
You've done an incredible job, Oliver. The way you keep evolving this site–from updating collection pages to creating straightforward downloads–separates HentaiRules from countless other hentai sites. So thank you, and here's wishing you the best in 2014!
Happy birthday, HentaiRules
Only bans loli, guro and zoo
Much manga to spank the monkey,
And it's all thanks to you!
Thanks for the massive H-manga collection & shares. You've certainly given me plenty of erotic entertainment, and in doing so enriched, enhaced and aroused my life. And for that, I am truly grateful.
Part of what makes this site so great is your summary pages. Breif description, your opinion, a few pics, DL links and gallery. Simple formula, masterfully executed. Thank you for all the work you've put in! Here's to 70 more years!
Happy Birthday Hentairules.net!
I'm happy to have been stumbling over this blog and I love all the work that you, Oliver, and all the others involved are putting into it.
Thanks for everything and I wish you guys the best for the comming years.
Happy Birthday Hentairules. Thank you Oliver for maintaining this site and all the work you do retouching images, making redirection pages, making hentai packs and reducing file sizes. You don't have spend so much time and effort to do these things but you do and we're very grateful. Here's to another great year.
You rock Brother !!!!
Not sure what to say, that hasn't been said yet…
Oliver, congratulations on the success of hentairules.net, and congratulations on the community that you have had a significant part in forming, giving us a nexus here to congregate around.
Here's to 7 more ^_^
I can't remember exactly when I started coming here, probably back when you first started posting on Hentaibbs. Man, how old was I then? I can't even remember.
Congrats man…lets hope this site goes on till infintiy and beyond..
Congrats Oliver and happy 7th Annivesary. We all love you (in a very manly way of course).
Happy Birthday Hentairules, thank you Oliver for this wonderful site because without it, I would never have known true quality hentai sharing.
Happy b-day HentaiRules and Oliver !!!
H-holy shit, you're alive?!
Ahahah, yes still alive. Not active as past in hentai world, but i still read some h-mangas ^_^
Thank you, man ^_^
It's been a long time, I hope you're well =)
Congratulations Oliver and Happy Birthday HentaiRules! I loved this site from the moment I casually found it years ago and I'll keep supporting it as one of the silent leechers. If not for you, I would have never know the differences between "good" and "bad" quality hentai
Congrats to you, Oliver, and best wishes for continued success. You should be commended for the outstanding job you do, in pleasing as many diverse tastes that you have attending here. A job well done!
happy anniversary !!!!
Merry Birthday!!!! XD
Make a "censored image" contest. Theyr'e fun, even without prizes
Happy birthday x7 . . .
I don't have anything amazing to say, so: happy aniversary, HentaiRules.
Thank you, Oliver, for delivering hentai to all of us during all these years.
Happy 7th Birthday,Hentairules!!
I still remember the first time i visited this site,like 5 years ago,when i want to download Tail Chaser by Jouji Manabe..Time Flies!
You’re my main source for all of heavenly goods,thanks for everything,Oliver
Happy 7th, Oliver! May you have more years of spreading the hentai love!
i've been fapping here for 7 years?! thanks Oliver!
Congrats Oliver! and thanks for many a wonderful fap!
Long live the Hentairules
Happy birthday!
Been around since day one or year one, I can't remember, maybe not. Either way, HR has outlasted every blog out there,
Happy 7th Birthday,Hentairules!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Hentairules!
This site is partly to blame for me being a pervert. Shame on you!
And I`m trying to imagine the sea of … wasted because of hentairules..
I think we may end up in hell because http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk .
Shame? Nah! You should say: "blessed you!"
As to the sperm being sacred, it certainly is, you sinner. Can't you understand Hentai Rules's holy mission is to arouse people to produce it and deposit it where it deserves?
Hentai Rules eternally!