Unfair × Poolside Fun [English], by Kamino Ryu-Ya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments
Tags: Bikini

Sex at the poolside ? Hey, fuck, YEAH !! :D

To be frank, I’ve skipped on recent and less recent Kamino Ryu-Ya releases, the censorship had grown ridiculous and the quality of the art had worsened, I found no point in sharing those craps on my blog when I already didn’t have enough time for all I would have wanted to share daily. But the present share is quite all right, the art has improved (well, some bits are still bad, but most of it is OK), and even though the censorship remains ridiculous, I feel that’s worth it, this time :)

This is a simple story about a couple of youngsters going to the pool, reminding themselves of their recent first time, and having a second go in broad daylight for a change. The girl is a real cutie (her pouting face… awww !), in bikini with a ridiculous (seriously, who’d fucking wear something like that ? Lol) but original bunny ears thingy on her head ^^
This was released by BlueWingz, Ketsune and Hihonani, from LifeForKaoru, thank you ! :)

Don’t miss The List of the Kamino Ryu-Ka Shares on HentaiRules

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