Black Community Service [English], by Blmanian

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments
Those breasts... that face... My dick is ready.

Take the earnest male student, boring but not rotten, and force him to cohabit with a carefree girl, who loves doing bad things, talks funny and exhibit adorable tanned skin that you’d like to lick and kiss until you reach her… – hnnng, excuse me, private fantasies taking over – in short, I wanted to say, a gyaru.

The best that could follow happens, happy sex with – to their mutual surprise – mutual liking :D

The girl had a bold, usually mischievous smile, and adorable eyes, with star-shaped light reflections, this strongly reminded me of Shiwasu No Okina’s Shining Musume series, in that regard. And her breasts, HNNNG :twisted: On the other hand, there’s the now unavoidable mosaics-blur censorship, but I still prefer this to the more traditional full-on white hole or lightsaber censorship types, as long as the shapes of genitalia are clearly drawn…

Thanks a lot to Aoki, Koa and Palaxius, from LifeForKaoru ! :)

By the same artist, I also share the awesome Buruman (216 pictures, Uncensored), a pack of 3 works (Kan Ochi + Seishokusha No Sei + Takeshiryuu Shin Kenpou Gaiden Yurika Ikimasu 1-2), Fumi Fumi Fukujuu Meirei, Beropi (“Tongue piercing”), Sakura Motto H Mo Ganbaru, Sakura H Mo Ganbaru and Gyaru Katekyo Maji Mawaii.

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(23 MB, 25 pictures, English)

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10 years ago

I did notice that censorship increase lately…I guess those retarded Japanese politicians passed a new law or something? or pushing harder to enforce old ones?

10 years ago
Reply to  Tiagol

No, and it's not "lately" either. A year ago, the Japanese police raided and shut down Comic Megastore, so now everyone is trying to not get buttraped like they were.

10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

It's a shame Japan censors their porn. Still love it, though.

Thanks for the share Oliver. I'll enjoy it at least 2x tonight.

10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

oh yeah I think I heard about that. good to know japanese police are doing their job, people were dying on the streets cause of cartoon porn not being censored enough :P

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Tiagol

The irony is strong with this one


10 years ago

Thanks for this. I really like cheerful, beautiful gyaru girls by Blmanian. Drawings are really good, sparkling eyes, full boobs and lips and happy sex… yum! :9

10 years ago

I probably shouldn't ask it here, but I don't really know where else to ask this: I've been wondering around through some hentai websites, and i've seen hundreds of times the terms C80, C78, C79 and have no idea what they mean. Tried googling lots of diferent terms but nothing came of that. Could any of you guys be a willingly good soul to make this clear for me?

10 years ago

"Comic Market (Comiket) Number of Event"

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago

Adding to Hurp's link (thanks man !), most of the hentai doujinshi you'll find will be sold during Comicket events, this is why there's always a frenzy of releases around the biyearly Comicket conventions. On the other hand, tanks and magazines have different releasing schedules, more or less all of the year.