Yuria 100 Shiki volume 10 [English, 215 pictures], + a repack of the volumes 1-10 [English, 1830 pictures], by Shigemitsu Harada and Nobuto Hagio

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments
Tags: comedy
It was funny. But if you want to FAP to this, you'll have to try very hard, courage, adventurous hentaier !

I imagine you had given up on seeing it, did I guess right ? Here is a new volume of the Yuria 100 Shiki series ! :D

Most of the manga was hardly funny, I regret to say the charm of the series has faded away, since the volumes that I deemed hilarious years ago (I called, and still call, the volume 3 the most hilarious ecchi manga I read, ever). Still, there were pretty funny moments, like the comedy competition with the surprise penis, that one was fun and fresh as in old times :D

Credits are for Caterpillar, Bigvinny, Gari, Posso and Uso, from Solaris-SVU, for the first chapters, and to Neetoryu Daze who resumed the translation, bless him ! You’ll find on his blog 4 chapters of the chapter 11, me I’ll be waiting for the volume to be complete. Also, props to Starkana.com, a manga reader who also offers zips, this “filled in the blanks” for chapters done by Solaris but whose links were dead on their new (and yet inactive) site.

The complete list of the Yuria 100 Shiki volumes :
vol. 1vol. 2vol. 3vol. 4vol. 5vol. 6 vol. 7vol. 8vol. 9

Also, by the same team, there is Yurika No Campus volume 1 chapters 1-3, and, on top of all, the hilarious My Balls (1336 pictures, 6 volumes).

I share 2 zips. First : the complete volume 10. Second : the volumes 1-10 repacked together.

The volume 10
You only had to wait for it for THREE YEARS since the volume 9 was released. What is it, in a lifetime ? (Yeah, it’s fucking too long :D )

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(65 MB, 215 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

The volumes 1-10 repacked together

Download the Free Hentai Pack in a Zip file
(484 MB, 1830 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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10 years ago

Talk about something unexpected, I didn't know volume 9 had been done either. Great share.

10 years ago

NEETouRyu Dojo said he would also finish it. oh and a bit late:P volume 10 got complete Tuesday, 21 January 2014 :P

10 years ago

Good to see the series lives on.

I wish all the luck for those carrying on the series. Gari and I are pretty much past the “manga all day and night” phase of our lives, and desire to work on them is all but gone.

I think scanlation is young men (and women)’s game done by college-age folks. I feel so old now…


Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  bigvinny_svu

Thank you so much for all you've done already BigVinny ! :)

I don't entirely agree with your idea that scanlation is only for college-age folks, though… Well, I'm not a scanlator, but even as a man in his thirties with kids and a day work, I still give over an hour a day to my hentai blog. Staying away from it for too long produces withdrawal symptoms ^^;;

I'm not saying "come back ! Give up on your life and go no-life scanlating again !", I'm saying "you're not old, you just made a rational choice to move on, and I wish you the best !" ;)

Still, since you guys are done, could you perhaps bring more proper closure and update your new site ( http://solaris-manga.org/ ) with an official announcement that you've moved on ? This way, other groups would know it's OK to resume your work…

10 years ago

The size for the repack is stated as 0 MB, just letting you know.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  anon_lurker

Woops. Thank you Anon ! :)

10 years ago

Awesome. Many thanx Oliver.

Fluke Divana
Fluke Divana
10 years ago

OMG I've been waiting for this, thanks

10 years ago

Thanks for the repack. :)

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  GramMKII

You're most welcome, I know it can be SUPER useful in such cases :)

10 years ago

This looks lovely as hell :)

Thanks for the huge repack Oliver!!