So, yeah, the previous Gunma Kisaragi release, A Straight Line To Love chapter 2, that was my april’s fools joke :)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 40 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

I guess nearly everyone had guessed, but here is the official confirmation. My release of A Straight Line To Love chapter 2 was a prank for April’s first. Blame the Earth for not being flat if you all didn’t see it published on April first.

I deleted the original dialogues and wrote new ones in the speech bubbles, doing my best worst at writing those new dialogues, hoping they’d be fun in their own way, and using abominable but not immediately unconvincing editing.

The editing was easy (easy to do “decent crap”, yeah, it’s the really good stuff that’s hard), but writing the story took longer than I had thought, I wondered if I should take inspiration from the real English version (that’s for the “manko no jutsu”, I laughed at that one, even though I know it’s pitiful to laugh at your own jokes ^^;;), or invent horribly rude crap, or use l33t geek stuff… I ended with the version you’ve had, and I’m glad I didn’t read many complaints about it ^^

If you wonder, there IS a real english version coming up, just a bit more patience, I have commissioned the chapters 2 and 3, I’ll have to commission the 4th chapter since it’s been published, and #2 is drawing close :)

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10 years ago

Considering how often you post shitty translations, it came across as routine and not as a prank.

10 years ago

Oh, but i liked it so much…
good job boss, very nicely done…

10 years ago

thx Oliver in my opinion "it was hilarious". Really liked it. How could anybody believe that this was the real translation^^.

10 years ago

I hate to admit it, but I agree with so many shit translations I thought it was legit. I also thought it had some of the most origonal dialog Gunma Kisaragi ever wrote considering his stuff is mostlythe same. I guess I know why now O_o

10 years ago

Eh, it took me a good couple of pages, but then I got it and just started chuckling at everything. I thought it was quite the excellent joke; bonus points for making it less obvious than the previous ones, since I guess most of us were expecting you to do something, hm, less subtle, shall we say, based on previous experiences ;)

10 years ago

I didn't like the first chapter, so I had skipped it >.>

Apirl Fools was boring this year.

10 years ago

…I'm honestly more surprised than anything else. I mean, yeah, stylistically it was pretty poor, but it held together pretty well and it made sense, plotwise. Even made most of the characters mildly sympathetic.

Guess that should'a been a hint it wasn't an original Gunma. Hey-oh!

John Doe
John Doe
10 years ago

yeah, I know that was a prank.. because it was published at 1st april, and you often play a prank to us, also after read all the comments.. but, I still curious and want to know how hilarious your prank, frankly, I really LOL-ed after read your work hahaha.. really, a nice prank you got there!!

10 years ago

If that was a joke, it was so subtle I don't think very many noticed at all. :(

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Hinoron

Subtle ? Seriously ? Did you read the contents ? :D

10 years ago

I thought the grammer was a bit off i just ignored the diologue after a bit
also i read a lot of fanfiction and xometimes youe learn to process that kinda of stuff as you read into a better form

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Ninjamaster

Argh, the dialogues were supposed to be crazy, but not the grammar. I apologize for this. If I may ask, since I don't entirely hate improving myself, where were the grammatically incorrect parts ?

10 years ago

At first I thought "Ohhh, poor translator." And Ijust let it slip and skip the contents.

10 years ago

Oliver, could you tell us how much more do we need to wait for translation you've commissioned?

10 years ago
Reply to  gunmalover

Oliver's had the final version for nearly a month now. :<

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

And I've got blueballs about it, not sure what to do about it. Maybe share it as if it came from elsewhere… Argh, I don't know.

10 years ago

Would be great, it's been forever since chapter's 1 translation came up

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

After 40 days, let me ask: what about the real chapter?

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago

On my hard disk. I'm looking around to see if there are more WANI news, I wouldn't want to attract too much attention if they're still around and still sending new notices as their stuff gets released here or there.

Imagine, Alexandrine, if I attract unwanted attention and I must remove one third of everything there is on Hentairules because of one precise release ?

On the other hand, my file hosts started removing many more files per week more or less around the time the WANI threats started, so I wonder if I am not already targetted, although being partly left in peace as in "only indirectly targetted".

10 years ago

Excuse my ignorance on this, I've seen mentions of "WANI". I was just wondering what exactly it is? Best guess is it's some publishing company trying to lock up copyrighted material? Hoping someone could leave a link to somewhere with some more info on it. Thanks! (Also hoping we can get Ch. 2 soon, looking forward to it.)

10 years ago
Reply to  Chief

It's one of the owners of many major mangakas.

10 years ago

I have a "Gunma" search bookmarked…just in case Ch.2 (or more) gets posted. Also, thanks HurpDurp!

10 years ago

Guess It's time to start learning japanese :p

10 years ago
Reply to  Baka

Guess I'll start right away – chapter 5 is already available and it looks freaking awsome….<3

10 years ago

Oliver, what do ya think? Is there any way we'll get the next chapters? Is there any way to post discretely? (as to not draw unwanted attention?)

10 years ago
Reply to  Chief

If he’s gonna post it now, he might as well wait. Got chapter 3 sent to me to QC the other day. :X Also, considering he continues to post Wani stuff everyday, I’m still not sure why he won’t post this.

I’m curious what’s going to happen with chapters 4+. The translator might not be willing to continue doing this, or he might charge even more money because it has to be a “private commission” now (same thing will happen with ever scanlator now probably, or they’ll just outright say “no” cuz >wani). So it’s up to Oliver whether or not it keeps going till the end.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I'm lost in reflexion about it, currently. Really, it's irksome, small leads, no way to take a steady decision.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

(small update to my previous reply)
I imagine my "protection" is that I am a middle man. If I become a prime releaser, then it's different.
And there's the whole information blackout, I have no idea if scanlators or sharers are still actively hit with new notices, or if the storm has calmed down and there is no news from them T__T

10 years ago

The fact that they did not already come after you for chapter 1 seems reassuring.

10 years ago

May be a long shot, but is there any chance you could email us the chapters personally?

9 years ago

Hey Oliver why dont you release this on IRC

9 years ago
Reply to  Zenza

Because Oliver doesn't use IRC, nor do we have a bot.

9 years ago

Three & four are up on here:

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Stroyza

I emit doubts regarding the quality of their sources :D

9 years ago

Well, I'm still waiting for you to upload it so I can put it up on E-H :(

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp


9 years ago


9 years ago

Happen to know any updates on this? I believe the raws for the full story are now out…

9 years ago
Reply to  merp

Wani happened.

8 years ago
Reply to  merp

I don’t know if you’ll even see this, but there is a completely translated version of this on the internet somewhere, it has seven chapters. Good luck finding it though, it was taken off the site I got it from the next day if I remember right.