Fela Pure Episode 1 : the HENTAI MOVIE with English Subtitles, by Fue
And I’m back! For real this time!
Normally I’d write a long introductory post comparing this against the manga version, but I’ve decided not to waste my time. Why? Because you and I both know you aren’t even reading this text right now. The second you saw “Fue” you downloaded at the speed of fucking sound. Also, I haven’t actually watched it yet, so I can’t anyway. <_<
Thanks Erobeat! Even if you were a bunch of fags and released it originally as an April Fools prank! If you downloaded that one, this is the REAL one. At least
There’s more for you: see The list of all the works by Fue shared on Hentairules!
Can’t get shit to work? Then install CCCP.™
Download Fela Pure Episode 1 in a Zip file
(232 MB, 853×480, MP4, 29 minutes and 29 seconds, English Subtitles)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
NOTE: This archive was made using the latest (professional) version of WinRAR, and as you may need to upgrade in order to be able to extract these file. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but seriously there’s no point for you not to upgrade.
(Evidently Filezy is gone. If anyone knows of any alternatives,
I’d be happy to use it as a stream host, otherwise…)
FYI, this thing’s got a bunch of different names, so just in case someone is searching for it:
Fera Pyua ~Mitarashi-san Chi No Jijou~
Two Siblings’ Fela Pure
Fella Pure
I've downloaded this somewhere else… Thanks anyway.
the fap will be strong! too bad for this heavy censorship
btw, it worked with my "old" WinRAR version.
Good to know. Someone was complaining it wasn't working last time, so I added that warning just in case. Most likely his download just failed, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
not gonna download. the censor is bad.
All hentai has mosaics (censorship) and this one is barely blurry… Do you even hentai?
black bar is better than random mosaic.
some hentai anime are uncensored. seems you didnt go hentai too deep brah
>implying uncensored h-anime exists anymore
No one licenses this shit anymore, brah.
Really ? Does that mean there isn't anymore demand for this ? How is that even possible ? The westerners gave up on uncensored anime ?!? O_o
No sales = no money = unable to license new stuff = company goes out of business
No sales, no sales… Don't tell me everything goes to piracy…
This shit was back in the days of dial-up, so probably not.
Anime, especially back then, was niche as fuck and mostly aimed at children. Adult anime was even furthermore a niche, and not even put in the porn section. It was directly next to the anime directed at children and teens. I saw several while looking for Fullmetal Alchemist WITH MY FUCKING MOTHER STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO ME. The anime industry has been growing as of late (last 4 or 5 years, in part by the growing understanding that prople don’t wanna wait for 3 years so they simulcast nowadays), but unless Project-H gets into it, we’ll likely never see any again. And 80% of what P-H releases is censored still, so…
Anyway, the penises and vaginas look like crap anyway. We ain’t missing much.
Edit: I believe a company in Germany still does it, but they haven’t released anything since 2012 afaik.
I believe Japan stopped exporting and licensing uncensored hentai because they didn't want the uncensored versions reentering their market (which is highly censored of course!)
or maybe japan found new fetish. mosaic fetish O.o
uncensor still exist. but very rare.
do ya research brah ;D
Clearly you are watching the wrong hentai my friend
Fue? who is it? dwloading . . .
Downloaded it on its release date, didn't need any translation since I've read the whole manga from here. On a side note, looking forward to this month's hentai anime releases, Pandra and Trembling Lip especially
there is no video. just audio.
Go get CCCP.
"April Fools Day" is rife with faggotry as is. So yeah.
I wish it would have stuck a little closer to the manga character designs, The characters look more like Youshu Ohepe's designs as opposed to Fue's
Haha, that's what I thought too.
One question, HurpDurp. I just bought japanese "soundtrack" album from DL-Site, who can I ask or commision to translate it?
1) Gief links (to original zip downloaded from DLSite, for fear of corruption of the filenames and bloating in filesize) plz if it's something I don't already have.
2) I am unaware of any commissionable (or otherwise) translators who are willing to do drama CDs. Biri has done some translating for Erobeat's h-animes, so maybe try there? He's on the IRC if you wanna ask him directly. I know Illy from my group used to do them (I have two transcriptions, but he was never paid for them and as such I can't publicly release them), but even I can't get in touch with him so good luck trying yourself.
1. Here's the link : http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id…
2. I just need to translate the title/author from the MP3 so I know how to categorize it…
Why does it becomes so mangled, oh well, the product ID is RE092402
What do you mean by "translate the title/author from the MP3"? They're (mostly) all WAVs. Do you mean the folder names and filenames? That shouldn't even be that hard for you to do yourself. But I digress: http://tny.cz/0ffdea8e
And by "gief link", I obviously meant upload the original archive you downloaded from DLsite and give me a link to that so I could download it, but I've got that already, so I don't need a copy after all.
The reason the URL is "mangled" is because it thinks the url is a smiley, which is why time and time again I've said put spaces in the URL :<
Okay, thanks a lot, since my japanese is practically zero. Btw, do you want this one on your collection?
>And by "gief link", I obviously meant upload the original archive you downloaded from DLsite and give me a link to that so I could download it, but I've got that already, so I don't need a copy after all.
Okay, this was FUCKING awesome, I'm not that big of a fan of Hentai animations but this blows out of the water the manga, thank you so much for the share! Hope the next episode is released soon.
As an aside, Was I the only one freaked out by the 'OP'?
In the opening there's a sequence with Keiko licking some kind of ballon-thing animated in a more 'realistic' style than is really jarring.
Oh, that. You confused me by say "'OP'" in single quotes.
It was weird, yeah.
anyone know if there will be episode 2
Do I really have to be the first asshole to point out the scene where it looks like she came from her nose?
This is different, but can someone pleaseeeee!! help me find the song at the end. It was really good lol
will there be any chance this video not be censored in the future?
Statistically, a possibility theoretically exists.
Realistically, no, no chance at all.
Sorry for you
It's incest. The statistical probability is negative 108%.
If it were Wani, tho, there might've been a chance since Fakku plans to eventually spread out to h-anime (again). But since it isn't…
It’s Censored yo.