Imouto Wa Boku No Koibito – Temari No Yakimochi Hen (“My Sister is My Girlfriend – Temari’s Feelings of Jealousy”) [English], by Studio Pal (Also Known As Nanno Koto)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Her face, those breasts ! UHHGGNGYEH!

Here is the sequel to My Sister Is My Girlfriend volumes 1-2, and we meet once again the same sister with pigtails and large manga eyes, still madly in love with her brother and enjoying having sex with him :)

This time, she is jealous because her brother bought a figurine. After some cute pouting, the brother reassures her, so she melts, and so… well, just the norm ^^

This has been translated by The Volsung, I believe, thank you ! :)

By Nanno Koto, also going by the Studio Pal name, I also share : Little Sister’s Whisper (150 full color pictures ! :shock: ), Inran Kyonyuu Senshi, a pack of 4 works, Imouto Wa Boku no Koibito 1-2 (“My Sister Is my Girlfriend”), Imouto Sememonogatari, a fat pack of raw mangas, a fullcolor Evangelion doujinshi and a nice sister incest story.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(13 MB, 16 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

This time, the total file size wasn’t too big, however with images 3025 px high, reading became uncomfortable, so if you like, I made, once again, a smaller version, with the images shrunk to 1600 px. In the process, the zip shrunk from 13 MB to 4 MB.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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10 years ago

Some said it before – might as well say it again.

WINCEST = INCEST, Done Right." B)

10 years ago

I've been a fan of Nanno Koto ever since I saw Little Sister’s Whisper. I really like his artwork and the way he does a lot of his stories. There's not many that do as many color pages in their works.

10 years ago

WOW!!! I have to look for more of his stuff because this was fantastic!!! I wish more artists would do their artwork in color.