Oboeru × Kaijitsu [English], by Kamino Ryu-Ya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Hallo thar... Are you going to stare much longer ?

It’s been a while I didn’t share something by Kamino Ryu-Ya, right ? Good news, this new release mostly comes without bitterly disappointing art, without penises bending 90 degrees as if they were an elbow, and without many phantom dicks supposed to be fully visible but become invisible because of a wrong censorship practice. Phiew, we’re mostly safe :D

End of the rants, that one’s good and worth sharing, this is the story of an adult male teacher with his highschool female student, and they love and have sex, etcetera. Good vanilla, good drawings =)
Credits are for Blue Wingz and Detri, from LifeForKaoru, thank you ! :jap:

Don’t miss The List of the Kamino Ryu-Ya Shares on HentaiRules

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10 years ago

Another combo of "D'AWWWW!!!!!" and "HNNNGGG!!!!!" – and just like other times, IT'S SUPER-EFFECTIVE!!!!! :*