Koimitsu Fragrance [English, Complete and Uncensored, 219 pictures], by Aduma Ren

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 16 comments

A. We. Some. Happy sex, love, excellent drawings, and no censorship ? HERE I CUM !

Do you remember Oxido, the kind person who had decensored all of Abe Morioka’s works ? I still have two small ones of these to share, by the way. Will do very soon.
Well, here comes the good news, Oxido is back !
This time with the completely decensored works of Aduma Ren ! :D
:woot: :beer: :kickass:

Let us begin with Koimitsu Fragrance. 219 pictures for the greatest glory of hentai.
In the past, I almost had a deadly fit after seeing how badly some works by Aduma Ren were censored. So, can you imagine, finding about a full volume, a tank, with perfect printing and finishing, and with all censorship removed ?

Oxido didn’t “only” decensor it. He also commissioned the translation of the final part, and ported English dialogues, when they were available from obsolete magazine scans, to the present Tank scans. Hats off :jap:
Oxido, thank YOUUUUUU ! You rule ! ^_^

The drawings are top notch, sensible, matching the characters. This is always happy sex (although the swimsuit girl and her masochist tendencies, that was annoying), sometimes with love, sometimes not. There’s occasional comedy, nothing too unusual, the best part is, still, undeniably, the drawings. I miss words to describe them, I’ll just say they’re GOOD !

By Aduma Ren, on Hentairules.net, there is also a pair of sweet K-On hentai doujinshi, Epilogue 2 and another K-On doujinshi. Give me enough time, and you’ll get to enjoy their decensored versions too, this time I’ll make it much quicker, and I won’t forget to finish sharing the Abe Morioka ones =)

Besides Oxido, credits would be for Gurumao, Blurk, Wtfwowlol, Card_Expert, Youngfolk and Altereggo from Team Vanilla, Setebos and Desudesu, Ryu No Tamashii, Hentaicore.net, RinruriTranslations and Oxido, and Flammz. Great job, everyone :)

Side note : on page 27, there is a magnificent drawing screwup. Can you find what it was ? ^^

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(89 MB, 219 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Some of these works (not all) were already shared on Hentairules in the past. Please make no mistake, they were based on magazine scans, and badly censored for the most of them. Here, this is much, MUCH better !
If you want to update your hentai collections, here is the list of these works formerly shared as single publications, now repacked within the present full volume :
– A Good Workman Never Blames His Tools
– Body Language
– Forceful Romance
– In the Unstable Swinging Laundry
– Its Immoral Daytrip
– Livin’ The Heat Island
– Non-Stop
– Opposite
– The Reason for Sweets

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10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


Stalker Fairy
Stalker Fairy
10 years ago

With regards to Body Language, I thought I read it before and something felt different: http://hentairules.net/galleries/picture.php?/867
vs http://g.e-hentai.org/s/4b03100a22/367259-4

Huh. Why the change?

10 years ago
Reply to  Stalker Fairy

It's not the first time a mangaka redrew panels for a tank. It won't be the last.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

And it's good like that, it's quite normal after all :)

10 years ago

Oliver, I’d like to draw your attention to this: . non-hentai manga by Distance called Mouhitsu Hallucination

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  cobaltex

Ah, such a pity it hasn't been translated, thanks for the link ^^
(also, as requested, I deleted the previous comment made before your account was loaded)

10 years ago

Yeah, that is disapointing, but it doe's have a ch.00/oneshot that has been translated and is available over at manga traders.
(also, thank you)
(btw, is it just me or did the link get eaten by the last half of my post?)

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  cobaltex

woops !

You're right, the link had been eaten.
From my browser's memory : http://fapservice.com/mouhitsu-hallucination-mang

(I'll edit the previous comment)

10 years ago

pg. 186 Once you pop, you can't stop. Anyway thanks for this amazing share!

10 years ago

That one was so good to read as enjoyable to watch…nice stories, nice drawing, 5stars…
btw, could please anyone explain me the cover?

Ps.Sorry for bad english

10 years ago

thx Oliver and everybody else how did a great job so we can enjoy another awesome hentai. You just saved my day^^, until now it was pretty stressful.

10 years ago

Fucking Fantastic :)

Amazing stuff!!! Decensored FTW!!!

Thanks to Oliver-san and crew!!!

Started my summer last week, lots and lots and lots of fapping to do!!! XD

10 years ago

This is one hell of a big collaboration work.

9 years ago

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