Do You Really Like My Beautiful, Horny Older Sister ? [English], by Fueta Kishi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 13 comments

Fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

I was really taken aback. We start with a couple of unexperienced youngsters, and the girl’s older sister has fun barging in, showing her half-naked glorious more deloped body, and teasing the boy and the girl.

Typical route 1 : the elder sister whips out the boy’s dick, the younger sister says the dick belongs to her alone, happy threesome with thanks to the older sis follows. Route not taken.
Typical route 2 : the boy pretends he stays with the younger sis, but he actually hyperfucks the older sis while lying to the younger one and pretending they’re still a thing. Route not taken.
… Here, we’re in a weird “mix of routes 1 and 2 with unexpected ending coated in comedy to dispel any negative feelings”.
And, I was : :shock: :wtf: :shock: :lol:

This isn’t vanilla, but, hey, close enough ! So, thanks a LOT to CellTF who kindly commissioned it, and to Zenigeba and Ero Manga Girls ! :)
(Oh, and graphically ? Very good Fueta Kishi stuff. Enough said :D )

For more goodness, Cf. The list of ALL Fueta Kishi’s works on Hentairules!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 24 pictures, English)

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10 years ago

I wonder how this one went as long as it did untranslated. I saw where this came from Comic Megastore in 2011? You can sure tell it wasn't recent by the lack of censoring.

10 years ago
Reply to  loplop

Yeah, Megastore 2011. As much as people love Fuetakishi (myself included), I'm surprised it was still untranslated as well.

This isn't the end of my Fuetakishi run, so expect more to come in the future!

10 years ago
Reply to  CellTF

CellTF, thanks for your translation commission of Fueta Kishi, you are awesome!

10 years ago
Reply to  loplop

Fueta Kishi staying untranslated is not something uncommon unfortunately. There are still "Onna Kokoro to Shiokara no Sora" from 2009, "Ona-Sis! " from 2010, "Teihen datta Kanojo ga Ore no Hitokoto de Kokuminteki" and "Kanojo ga Ero Shitagi ni Kigae tara…♥", both from 2011, all untranslated. "Advice for Sister", "Banana Cramp" (aka "Furufuru Marathon") and "Tagged By Sister" are all only available as re-wrights.

10 years ago
Reply to  J.B.Random

mate, can you give me the link for the raw fueta kishi you stated above?i`ve googled it but cant seem to find it..

10 years ago


10 years ago

That's different; impending soul-crush to a girl instead of a guy. It's only comedic cuz they ended it before the tears and drama, otherwise it's just another NTR( or reverse NTR? I can't keep up with all the categories of cheating in the hentai world.)

10 years ago

That's…. quite an elastic boob…

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
10 years ago

Ohh, another sisters-boy manga! by Fueta Kishi nonetheless, lovin' it!

Hands Solo
Hands Solo
10 years ago

Looking at that 1 picture, I cant decide if her mouth is taped shut or she just has a huge creepy smile.

10 years ago

Hey, what about a new kind of quiz, a mangaka artstyle quiz?
Like this one Hox did once:

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
10 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Good idea!

Add an advanced difficulty level: show only the eyes. :D

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
10 years ago

That's not a simple smile, that's a "stifling my moans as I cum explosively" smile. Of course it's very erotic.