Low Frequency Girl [English], by Syati Kamaboko (under the Sachika maboko pen name)
The story followed the typical storyline, two childhood friends now into mating age, the girl spending all her time for unspecified reasons in her male friend’s room, she masturbates while he’s away. The boy comes back earlier than planned, and, well, the rest is the usual propaganda encouraging Japanese youngsters to boost their country’s birthrate with massive unprotected creampies. *cough* The drawings were nice, with only rare and small censorship bars, and the girl’s pointy ass and breasts were quite something (and did I mention a shimapan ?) |
By the same artist, I also share Tsuki To Taiyou (201 pictures), Majigami, Mana-con and on top of all the uncensored version of Kaichou No Iinari (207 blissful pictures).
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(12 MB, 20 pictures, English)
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D'AWWWW !!!!! x HNNNGGG !!!!! :*
OK, i named your blog "Oliver".
Lol, why not just "Hentai Rules" ? ^^
Don't you remember the ending this hentai? : (
That's where the joke lies.
(sorry posted in the wrong place!)
I just love these kinds of stories!!! Great art work and great sex!!! I think this needs another chapter or 3 or maybe even 4!!! He's got to get her to admit that she loves him. And that may take having to have a lot of sex with her. Plus it's like Oliver said. They have to help get that birth rate up.
We could do with a chapter 2, already
Cute and funny. Many thanx Oliver.
Don't you remember the ending this hentai? : (
That's where the joke lies.
O god, what if this was all created by the government? Studies have shown that younger people are not having sex, and with a negative birth rate, Japan doesn't have a future.
thanks for this oliver! scan and upload next the doujinshi and pixiv art and blog art of payanikov also known as kurokawa kei , shuz dodidu and gaoka777 along with scanning pinktabloid doujin from stem roam , p.d chumps futanari oppai and p.d chumps newest doujin and dai n honpos original doujin cg set that is not based off of touhou. many people want these doujin scanned.
Oliver doesn't scan. Nor does he buy or read untranslated stuff.
nor does he translates or edit the stuff he posts.
(and it's just "Syati Kamaboko", the "Sachika Maboko" was just a mistake from the translator.)
That rarely happens, I did that only once, editing for a group, and though they virtually patted me on the head, their general agreement was that typesetting and me weren't going to be a thing. And I've done my fair share of decensorings. Just saying
Oh, and recently, another example, I edited stuff inside a share, not cutely, but the ugly way, cutting-moving-pasting letters, to fix a bit the spelling cancer that release was :[
Oliver, Darkbiofire updated his gallery. You're now missing two pages.
Let's place ourselves in an imaginary universe in which, against all evidence, I am a lazy ass. Would you please give an hyperlink to this lazy imaginary Oliver ?
Alright, links for an imaginary Oliver: http://g.e-hentai.org/s/7a1d5587be/712800-1 http://g.e-hentai.org/s/481bbedbfe/712800-14
Can I ask when the real Oliver will do his write-up for Wani? I'm interested in what he has to say.
Don't expect that until Jacob's AMA.
And that AMA is a darn too long piece of propaganda in which everybody is rich, has tons of time, doesn't mind annoyments, and it is leaving aside the pirates' interest and practices, and neglecting severe liabilities in the mind of the people believing piracy will fall back, but maybe that's because I didn't find the strength to read all of it yet.
I'll read more this evening, for the moment I just finished editing what had to be edited, since I finally received "the email" from some Japanese people regarding some blog posts of mine. And that already took a whole lot of time (plus the impression I was losing my limbs.)