Sex Nochi Ryouomoi (“Reciprocal Love After Sex”) [English, 234 pictures], by Doumou
Reciproqual. Love. After sex. I AM SO SOLD !
Here is, my dear fellow hentai-loving proud pervs, a complete tank by the great artist Doumou, with AWESOME drawings and a worthy storywriting
And for more, don’t miss My updated list of the Doumou shares on Hentairules!
Half of the manga is made of single stories, the other half is made of a longer story arc. The short stories are straight vanilla, funny and nice (two exceptions, a total jerk male loved for what he was, and another chapter – the only one going against the flow – with badly warped love), with a delightfully cheerful and easygoing atmosphere. The longer arc displays nerve-twisting developments, I had to wait till its final pages to see the vanilla confirmation (and then… haaaaan~~~).
There are some hilarious ideas, like the bodypaint… also on a male proudly running the streets with his uselessly painted schlong waving around Or the hentai twister game Or this badass quote : « I haven’t turned weird… I bloomed ! Sex is fun ! » ^___^
On top of all, the art was top notch, highly polished, I feel so happy when I witness a mangaka reaching this level of achievement ! Here is doumou’s forte : the girls have incredibly horny (and arousing ! Lust is catching !) faces, marking a shocking change between “normal, not horny” and “aroused : the flip has been switched !!” expressions. Let’s add their proud breasts, generous hips, if it weren’t for the thin lips we’d have a competitor for the Hentai Hall Of Fame seat held by the artist Distance.
Go for it, my friends, and thanks to Doujin-Moe !
Mini-bonus, one image struck me as impossible. Husserl proved me wrong
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(464 MB, 234 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Side note : you’ll need to update your collections, possibly, as an old single share has become obsolete. This is Risou No Battery has been integrated into this tank, and placed into a context, with future developments and a conclusion, the story is now no longer unpleasant. It comes a long way.
As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 2400 px to standard 1600 px resolution. The zip shrunk to from 434 MB to 103 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Nice, a conclusion to Risou no Battery. Been waiting for ages.
Yeah, I really didn't imagine this bittersweet, and then bitter two-chapters story would eventually turn into something highly worthwhile O_o
Doumou pulled a reverse Takeda Hiromitsu! :O
Ima Ria: decent 1st chapter turns into mind break/NTR festival
Risou no Battery: Blackmail turns NTR-ish then becomes "Earn your happy ending".
TBQH, it's making me facedesk abit.
If Doumou wanted to do a "happy" ending like this, then WHY THE FUCK DID HE CREATE THE PREVIOUS ONE???
All rapist didnt get their just deserts and are let off with a "sorry". If only life were that simple….
Hachiman doesnt deserve her at all and Nagase deserves to be put in jail.
As I imagine it, Doumou didn't intent from the get go to create a long story out of it. And if he was offered pay to draw heartbreaking stuff (publishers and editors may make requests to suit consumer demand, can they ?), he provided.
Oliver! you're the best man! XD
Nice to see this finished. The first story has long been a favorite.
I don't know why but I get the felling that Doumou likes to "recycle" some of his female characters.
That said the female character in the second preview image, beside the color image, resembles me of the cat in "Going Into Heat Like A Cat".
Please, don't misunderstand me, I don't mind using similar characters in different Hentai stories, I just wanted to point out something that really took my attention while looking through the preview pics.
And since I'm on it, Thanks for the share Oliver (it just striked me, that I actually never thanked you before for the shares when I post a comment on your blog, sorry for the late gratitude).
No worries, as always, I'm glad my shares are appreciated, it's all about spreading the love ^^
Also, isn't it normal, that a mangaka "recycles" his girls ? Look, a disturbing example. Take the girls of a tank, imagine their heads are shaved and their breasts all become of the same cup size : for 90% of the mangakas, the girls will be suddenly looking to be EXACTLY the same. And that's not just in hentai.
Distance went further and recycled the characters, name and all –> "Motenai Girls" and "Girls Lacrosse Club"
So True, that is a good point.
It was just something that really caught up my attention due to the fact that I liked the character design in the "Going into Heat like a cat" but the story wasn't the type that I fully enjoy, although it's concept was really funny. I was just happy to se that the character design I liked was being used in a different setting (also not one to strike hard in my tastes, but for this type of theme I have developed a way to abstract from its story and enjoy the action only xD).
Well all said and done it was just supposed to be a simple observation of the pervert me, being… well.. pervert… xD
Dear god, that 434MB! thanks very much for the smaller version!
Two years ago, file sizes like that would have driven me MAD. So, really, from the bottom of the heart, in cases like this, I'm glad to help
Oliver, I believe there is also an extra chapter for the first story in this tank, if I'm not mistaken you have shared it in one pack together with another story, I believe it went by the name "Suki Suki Onee-chan + Bridal Chapter + After story", but that may be part of the name of the pack and not all of it though…
The one with the warped threesome, in which none of the parties has what it really desires, the two sisters and the boy in love with the wrong one ? I had that impression but couldn't find it O_o
hmm not that one, I was referring to the one with the brother and sister where the brother is a jerk (he throws away his sisters bikini, just to paint her naked body to look like a bikini), and he keeps teasing his sister until she gives in.
There is an extra chapter where both of them goes to a shop to try some weeding outfits and well more teasing happens and she gives in once more…
Well I finally found the link for this post xD…
The one with the warped siblings belongs to the pack where you shared "Going Into Heat Like A Cat" it can be found on this link…
But there is no extra chapter of it in this shared pack.
The Bridal Chapter is not part of the tank. It was released separately.
I see, that explains why it wasn't a part of the tank.
Well for those who liked that story I believe it will be nice to know that there is an extra chapter of it though.
This looks delicious as hell!!
Thanks for the good work Oliver and crew!!!
Sure does
you realy need to add a link to a better dl site, bc after that dp removed thar porgram to dl faster the dl speed of all ur links r slow like hell
I've been premium with DF for so long I have no idea what you're talking about, can you please elaborate ? Typically, if you have a VPN, try pretending you're from anothre country, to see if it comes back ?
you realy should find some other hosting sites for the download, after DP removed the small DL programs all the sites speeds r crap like hell
Oliver, depositfiles has removed the link for the smaller size… Any idea how to fix this? Lol
Lol, what gives ? ^^
I'll reup this one tomorrow, today I'm already done with my shares (I came here to schedule them for in a few hours, and then I'm off), I don't have enough time left
It says its unavaliable no matter which link i click for this
Links 2 and 3 are down for the large file size. Links 1-3 are down for the small file size, fourth one worked for me.
Woops, yeah.
I reuploaded everything, not caring about which one was broken or not, it was faster ^^
Sorry I took too long to fix it, real life's kinda busy
depositfile link for small is down
"Twist! Touch! Entangle!" = BEST! TWISTER GAME!! EVER!!! B)
… and the rest of the tank was O.K. too, especially as "Risou No Battery" got a happy ending.