Lightning Warrior Raidy – Evil Purifying Lightning [English, 214 pictures], by Kazuma Muramasa
I can’t believe I liked a 214-pages long story based on hentai rape, demons, magics and swords ^^;;
We’re in an heroic fantasy canvas, with a human female heroine and many animal girls. And, of course, the heroine has to be hentai raped all around, when she’s not reverse hentai raping the hentai rapists (you’re still following ?). Why ? Because hentai of course !
The “me gusta” factor follows : the girls don’t get broken. It’s never taken very seriously. There are even jokes and all !
And that completely changed the mindset for the whole volume.
What’s remaining is good drawings, half based on tentacles, and the rest being variations on normal sex and S&M activities, with very little censorship.
I was very surprised by this story, and I don’t regret reading it ! For this, thanks a lot to Doujin-Moe !
By the same artist, I also share Miracle Sweet Magical Fragrance, Yamato No Ki ni Naru Danna-sama (“Under Yamato’s Care“, Uncensored), Kiai O Irero, Naughty Lazy Chemical Shiki-nyan and a pack of 3 works (Anata Wa Kyou No Ban Gohan + Friend’s Girlfriend + Rukino VS Kei-niichan).
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(203 MB, 214 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were in various sizes : 1974, 1732, 2471, around 1660, 1800 and 1654 pixels high..
The zip shrank from 203 MB to 85 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Wah, can't believe that I see a doujin of Raidy one day. I have played the games.
Surprisingly, Lightning Warrior Raidy was a good Eroge. I mean the story is patetically simple, the gameplay is bad most of the time (only 5-6 floors of maze, and you only have your orientation sense and a compass to guide yourself until you find a map of each floor), but it had a decent hentai drawings and situations. And really even it the thing is rape based, it is hard to take it seriously because of the atmosphere the game pass.
So for a hentai of it I need to say I espectating very much, and hope they make another of the sequels, this is a game that worth even if it have problems.
Nice! we require much more monster Girls type of doujin!
those are my favorite so i must say thanks a lot Oliver! if you ever have similar work please do share a link of them 
If you liked this one, then you can try playing the "Lightning Warrior Raidy" Visual Novels ! It's originally a kind of RPG, you wander in a castle, fighting monsters and bosses to free the women they captured, and there's plenty of H-scenes.
That's what I had, the CG of that, although I've NO CLUE if I still have those.
own the game and liked it
here's links for both games if one wants to play it :……
Pretty awesome!
Halfway through the story, I suddenly realize that the wererats have adorable changing emoticons on their foreheads, so I had to start reading all over again! Cute story!
I remember having the CG pics from the game years ago. If I still have them & can find them I'll see if I can put them up.
Too bad I don't understand Enligh.
Aww yeah, thanks a lot!
I played the first two Raidy games and liked them very much. Despite the first Games ridiculous difficulty with tons of invisible walls to find and fucking rotating tiles you fail to notice cause you there is no animation indicating a spin and the lack of a godamn map. And despite the few enema/scat scenes the games had.
The second game erased most of the first flaws. The whole funny athmosphere makes it very enjoyable to play. The fighting system isn´t so well made either, but I can´t resist that first-person dungeon crawler feeling.
I wish the third game would also be localized and thus decensored…
Well, for now I can enjoy some good raidy doujin, yay!
Cool you just provided the game link a few days ago after this post
Thanks for the sahre as always Oliver-san!!!