The EROGAMES for Lightning Warrior Raidy are here. Are you ready ?
(No, I’m not even ashamed of the joke I wrote in the title.)
I had no idea that yesterday’s share, Lightning Warrior Raidy – Evil Purifying Lightning, was inspired from an ero-game.
Thanks a lot to the cool folks who explained it in the comments
And if you want to get these games, Katsu gave us links, enjoy !
Raidy is pretty famous though !
I've found the saved files for both games (tested them out and it all works)…
Glad i was useful
Thanks for the links
Lightning Warrior Raidy 3 is not yet translated right?
Awesome work as always!
Nope, Jast USA has started to work on an English patch but I think it was more than a year ago, and it doesn't seem to be their priority, for it's been a long time since they last updated the progression status…
Shame T__T
I'm also waiting for Hachinarasu which i have in pre order from Jlist since September 2013!!!
Wtf is Jlist doing!?!
Speaking of games.
Looks like Fate Stay Night had an ultimate patch version that was released a week ago!!…
DL link(prepatched and ready to go)!c8xF0B7I!LTIF6F_rUF82cKMjYs_…
This version has a new patch that let's you toggle on/off the ability put the H-scenes back to the realta game.
So now you can experience the H-scenes in the realta version and your free to turn it off as you please!!!
More information can be found in the video from the creator himself showcasing the new features of his version.
Go download it now!!!