Sindrian Nightdream [English], a Magi hentai doujinshi, by Ayuest

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Haaa, if only Alibaba had more balls... JUST DO IT MAN !

I fear half of the interest of this hentai share will be lost if you aren’t familiar with the story of Magi (you can read it HERE on Batoto, for instance, it’s totally worth it !). And so, if you know at least the basics of Magi, then, rejoice, for this share is all sweet and lovely :D

Morgianna has sex with Alibaba, but calls it “thank you” sex, out of obligation. Alibaba – here, given more balls than in the actual manga – recognizes this is an awkward facade and presses her until this is officially happy sex with love. See, that’s short, it takes two lines to express it. But the meaning it conveys, the meaning… awwwwwwww =)
(Oh, and graphically ? Good drawings close to the original series, also taking the comedy traits. Icing on the porn cake, there’s not a lot of censorship !)

Release credits are for Luckfire, Shinko and Leo730, thank you ! :jap:

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10 years ago

Wow. Really good. Yes, I do read the Magi manga.

And dangit, they should totally do a Yamuraiha dojin! IMO she's the hottest, though Morgiana is a close second. (Yamuraiha is the woman trying to fend of Aladdin who's motorboating her boobs.)
Although, I don't like the pairing she's in. It'd be funny if there was an Aladdin x Yamuraiha pairing, but ofcourse, that would be rather hardcore shota.

*Goes off to look for Yamuraiha dojins*

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Mousse9

Me, what I'd love to read would be a Sinbad volume, with him screwing around every girl of his magical harem, and never caring at all about consequences, with a humorous tone. That'd be fun :D

10 years ago

And at the end, all of the girls in his harem appearing in front of Sinbad with big bellies, with Sinbad going "Oh, crap…..".

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Mousse9

Huhu :D