Pack of 3 works by the hentai artist Akapenguin [English]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments


I gathered here three works by the hentai artist called Akapenguin :
Haitenaino Erina-sama (in English : “You’re Not Wearing Any Erina-sama”) : a parody of Shokugeki No Soma, a non-adult manga itself drawn by the former hentai artist Tosh. The art was pretty good, but I regretted the parody didn’t really mimic the personality of the girl, she’s a gourmet so she should have made gourmet’s remarks regarding the taste of her male partner’s penis and sperm…
Moon Freak : USAGIIII ! Rarely has Usagi been as cute as that, rarely would I have liked to fuck her so much. She’s paired with shotas : what a total waste – but she’s still hot as fuck.
Moon & Jupiter Freak : also a Sailor Moon parody, this time Makoto (Sailor Jupiter) joins, also to bang shotas; a mediocre volume.

There’s no noticeable scenario, but I reckon the art is either worth it or, in Usagi’s case, totally worth it :twisted:
These works were released by Wrathkal, Wavedash and Mrwayne, from Team Vanilla, for one, and by Doujin-Moe, for the two others. My sincere thanks ! :)

I’ve got more for you: see The list of Akapenguin/Asahina Hikage’s works!

Complete Picture galleries :
Haitenaino Erina-sama, Moon & Jupiter Freak, Moon Freak

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(42 MB, 78 pictures, English)

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10 years ago

Didn't care for the shota-based works. As for the Shokugeki no Soma parody, another place and time (as Oliver hinted) many an IN-teresting culinary reference could have been inserted in the dialogue during foreplay and sex. Still, had various elements that struck my personal fancy – blonde & somewhat tsundere ojou-sama who, despite all initial protests, likes getting it from the (male) protagonist – and wants more later. B)

10 years ago

When did Tosh stop doing hentai?