Pack of 3 works by the hentai artist Akapenguin [English]
I gathered here three works by the hentai artist called Akapenguin :
– Haitenaino Erina-sama (in English : “You’re Not Wearing Any Erina-sama”) : a parody of Shokugeki No Soma, a non-adult manga itself drawn by the former hentai artist Tosh. The art was pretty good, but I regretted the parody didn’t really mimic the personality of the girl, she’s a gourmet so she should have made gourmet’s remarks regarding the taste of her male partner’s penis and sperm…
– Moon Freak : USAGIIII ! Rarely has Usagi been as cute as that, rarely would I have liked to fuck her so much. She’s paired with shotas : what a total waste – but she’s still hot as fuck.
– Moon & Jupiter Freak : also a Sailor Moon parody, this time Makoto (Sailor Jupiter) joins, also to bang shotas; a mediocre volume.
There’s no noticeable scenario, but I reckon the art is either worth it or, in Usagi’s case, totally worth it
These works were released by Wrathkal, Wavedash and Mrwayne, from Team Vanilla, for one, and by Doujin-Moe, for the two others. My sincere thanks !
I’ve got more for you: see The list of Akapenguin/Asahina Hikage’s works!
Complete Picture galleries :
Haitenaino Erina-sama, Moon & Jupiter Freak, Moon Freak
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(42 MB, 78 pictures, English)
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Didn't care for the shota-based works. As for the Shokugeki no Soma parody, another place and time (as Oliver hinted) many an IN-teresting culinary reference could have been inserted in the dialogue during foreplay and sex. Still, had various elements that struck my personal fancy – blonde & somewhat tsundere ojou-sama who, despite all initial protests, likes getting it from the (male) protagonist – and wants more later. B)
When did Tosh stop doing hentai?