Netoraserare volume 1 [English, 208 pictures], by Shikishiro Konomi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 23 comments
Tags: cuckold

Ah, that one made me ANGRYYYYYY

Let’s be straight : the main character is a fuckface. A pathetic failure of a human. And, really, if you look at him, he’s really a fuckface, he’s having looks of pain and terror while thrusting his penis, as if he were was witnessing Cthulu winking at him with homosexual promise. Rarely have I felt I wanted so strongly to hit in the face a fictional manga character.
And the story ? That fucking herbivore can’t get it hard with his wife unless he has recently watched her having sex with another man, and his married couple life slowly descends into a warped state from which, undoubtedly, there will be no escape.

So, @ all of you guys who love stuff like that, ENJOY!, why not after all. Me, I’ll be sailing off and back to Vanilla Hentai Land as soon as I finish posting it.

Still, hey, thanks to the person(s) behind this release ! :jap:
By the same artist, and this time this is stuff that I approve, I also share Fushigi H To School Girl (172 pictures) and Netoraserare volume 2 and volume 3.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(214 MB, 208 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution. The original dimension of the pictures varied wildly, in average that was between 1600 and 1800px, sometimes around 2400px. After resizing the pics, the zip’s size shrunk from 214 MB to 75 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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10 years ago

My thoughts are the same, Oliver. Why would anybody enjoys having their wife cheating on them? Some fetishes should be banned for life! Along with other weird and distasteful fetishes, It's no wonder that the Japs are loosing their population.

NTR Lover
NTR Lover
10 years ago
Reply to  GP1301

Different people have different tastes. There are some people who actually get off to watching their lovers cheat on them. There are also those who get off to being the jerk who can steal another man's woman no matter how wrong it sounds.

You have to remember though that this is also fantasy not reality. While NTR comes the second closest to happening in real life (with Cheating, Adultery, and Incest coming in first due to them actually happening) At the end of the day it is still fantasy not reality.

Say then need to ban these sort of things because you think they are wrong is another way of censoring freedom of expression which isn't a good thing in the least.

Not only this but it also causes those who would like this sort of thing to lose their fix, and those who would make the stuff to lose business or a part of business.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  NTR Lover

I'll have to agree on this, we NEVER need a Police Of Thought. Having opinions pro or against is a thing, but pretending that "it should be banned"… nah.

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

Certain things should be banned by good taste, but only.
The exception is funk music, as the bad taste of some contaminates other people's right to choose what to listen (at least, in the streets of São Paulo such aggression is ordinary).

10 years ago

ill say none of us is allowed to judge ones taste;)

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago
Reply to  Katsu

Except when one's taste interferes with someone else's right of not listening to it.

10 years ago
Reply to  NTR Lover

I agree on this too.
…also this fetish it's not a Japanese exclusive since the wester name for NTR is "Cuckold".

10 years ago

What in the name of GOD!!!
Am I reading, and why do I want to kill this piece of shit husband so bad. I would kill to have a woman like that, but why would I, EVER!! EVER!! Want to see her with another MAN!

Billy Mays
Billy Mays
10 years ago
Reply to  ddskingdom

Men into cuckcold are soo deep in the closet they're bumming Mr Tumnus in Narnia.

10 years ago

Can you still call that cheating when the husband is fully aware of what's going on and implicitly approves of it? That cuckolding and from a quick CL review that's apparently not that uncommon of a fetish….

10 years ago

Yay another work Shikishiro Konomi :)

Fushigi H To School Girl was kinda mixed bag. Was hoping to be Godly just because of the first few colored pages look godly as hell :)

Still, i'll give him a chance for this!

Thanks for the good work as always Oliver-san!!!

Billy Mays
Billy Mays
10 years ago

Shinji from Neon Genesis is the king of Betafags.

This guy is the king of Omegafags.

10 years ago

The delicious xx megabytes strike again ! Thanks for the repack, as usual.

10 years ago

its been a while since i read something so weird..Kinda wish he gets his wife stolen from him:P

5 years ago
Reply to  Katsu

Cuckolding is one of the best selling fetishes and it is mainly a male fetish. There are women who want to see their husbands fucking other women (Cuckqueans), but they seem to be rare.

However, cuckolds are not rare, or, at least, cuckolding porn stories sell damn well.

After a quick glance this story seems to lack the humiliating the cuck which usually is a big part of the story. The best sellers in cuckolding genre are the stories where a white man gets humiliated (Usually about the size of his dick) while an alpha male black man with a massive cock pleases his wife in ways that the husband never can. Then the husband is forced to eat the other man’s cum from his wife’s pussy and if he’s lucky she lets him jerk off and if he’s really, really lucky she lets him fuck her, telling him that after a real cock she probably can’t even feel his pathetic excuse of a dick.

Trust me, those sell well.

10 years ago

usually i am a huge ntr addict but this one is wrong

10 years ago

nice manga, first time i see it. the second volume when is gonna be here??

9 years ago

Oliver I think I saw Vol 2 already translated in some website but I can't remember which one, I'll try and see if I can find it again.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  stantheman

Are you sure the volume is complete ? I saw a bunch of new chapters, but never the claim it was the complete second volume yt…

9 years ago

vol 2 is complete . . . please upload with smaller size . . . thank you . . .
and sorry for my bad english . . .

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  dim

Argh, is it ?

I'll have to bear once again with the terrible faces the husband is doing.
Well, if it's complete, I'll go and find it, and share it, thanks for the heads-up, Dim :)

5 years ago

I can put up with a lousy story or lousy sex, but not both.