Mecha Love [English, 197 pages, is now UNCENSORED !!], by Yuzuki N Dash
Desu and Dr Hellboned had it released five years ago, and, today, with GREAT thanks to Pipehead, Mecha Love is now fully UNCENSORED, woot ! ^_^
There’s a lot of incest (more than half of the volume, only once with a parent), a whole lot of happy sex with mutual care and, sometimes, of mutual loving, and a fuckton of AWESOME sex, drawn with great talent !!
So, having it decensored, that’s a massive value added, Pipehead did something really worthy, I’m grateful
My favorite chapter featured a blonde tanned stepsister, half-American, half-Japanese, she reminded me of Sara, from the mangas by Yamatogawa
(MOAR! For more works, Cf. The List of Yuzuki N’s Works on HentaiRules)
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If you really want to be nitpicking, I can add three “fair warnings”, one chapter each, for themes that are less popular. First : the manga starts with a gender bender story, a man inhabits a girl’s body and enjoys having sex with another man in that form (the ending to this short story was really original !). Second, mother incest. Third, sex with a sister who has already married someone else (I know how unpopular adultery is). Only three chapters in a whole manga, I hope that won’t put you off, though
It's uncensored Yuzuki N' – That's all that needs to be said.
Amen to that, I reacted the same way when I found it, but you got to be more considerate for people who aren't as fast to react and need a longer description
She's actually rather cute herself –
It's her holding the microphone.
Yes, it's true. That's her.
U kiddin?
If you aint kiddin, then damn….
That's her!! She look so innocent XD
oliver, smaller size plz
my hdd only 30 GB left
I didn't have enough time yesterday, did my best in a limited time frame, sorry :-/
Hey i remember Mecha Love! Lots of gender switching in this story
Thanks for the amazing share as always Oliver-san!
Dude, out of a manga made of single stories with each chapter, only one story featured gender bender ^^
(and I don't know if I'm disappointing you, Prince, or reassuring you, lol)
Yeah i just checked it is only one XD
I think i was confusing it with something else.
Also do you know this manga, where the female is some sort of scientist who experiment things. I remember he turned the guy into a girl and she as a boy and went out shopping having sex on the department store etc.
Then came her assistant and do all these stuff. They even went into a virtual world, but the male left and tried to rape them using in-game troll characters.
It was recent i think. Do you know the work?
You're thinkking of Boku wa kanojo no marmot: I am her guinea pig. Link below. ;D…
That's the one!
Thanks Wild Goose
In response to the caption associated with the main picture (hold mouse cursor over to see it), I can only think of this to say to anyone getting such an invitation:…
I like adulterous hot wives when their husband is depicted as a shit… maybe a wife batterer… depends on the degree… I guess… or maybe when their marriage is already on beyond repair and the only thing remaining are formalities.