Saudade – That Summer I Fell In Love With Onee-san [English], by Akagi Asahito

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 15 comments

Hentai girls. There are always second thoughts :D
You clearly see the girl thinking “I may look kind and composed, but tonight I’m definitely bedding you” ^^

I’ll avoid throwing *the* big spoiler of the story, so let’s just say Saudade is about two youngsters in a similar situation, only separated by a few years, and who find solace, and then love, in each other’s arms :)
The censorship was brutal (whiteout T__T) and killed more than half of the enjoyment of me, but I enjoyed whole-heartedly the WAFF feeling coming from happy sex with love and mutual care for the partner’s pleasure, it felt good to read…
Thanks to whoever is behind this release ! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Furyou-chan To Kotatsu De Nukunuku Suru Oomisoka, Hadatsuki Romanchika and (brace yourselves, long-ass title incoming) Sukoshi Furyouppoi Onnanoko To Kyuujitsu Ni Ie De Daradara Shitai Hon.

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Danger Stranger
Danger Stranger
10 years ago

Thanks for the share Oliver!
Just out of curiosity, in my native language "Saudade" means "missing" as for the title it would be something as "I miss the summer I fell in love with onee-san", I'm still downloading it but if I take this title serious I expect it to be a story with a sad ending at least, (but I also know that in Hentai, quite often the titles are misleading xD).

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

OLIVER EDITING THIS COMMENT : I must apologize, the comments system fucked things up, and one of Alexandrine’s comments had to be trashed. Here is a copy of its contents, and, below, there is the following comment by Alexandrine. Sorry about this !
Alexandrine’s trashed comment : « Actually, the description is not mine. I just translated it from Dicionário Houaiss [sentimento melancólico devido ao afastamento de uma pessoa, uma coisa ou um lugar, ou à ausência de experiências prazerosas já vividas (frequentemente usado também no plural)].

Anyway, as you can see, our dekasegis are really influencing Japanese vocabulary. Recently, I found a translator looking for the meaning of “caramba”. »
(Below is the “real” new comment by Alexandrine. Once again, sorry for the mess !)

We have to be gentle in order to see sense in the title. "Saudade" is a Portuguese noun, and it exists only in Portuguese. It makes sense only if we consider that the narrator is remembering something from a previous adventure.

"Saudade" is a melancholic feeling due to distance from someone, something or some place, or to the lacking of pleasurable experiences already lived.

Danger Stranger
Danger Stranger
10 years ago

Well I would not go as far as call "Saudade" a melancholic feeling, since I would use as something I miss but not actually want to go back to the way it was since probably I'm way better the way I'm now or at least I don't feel like regretting the choices I made.
But neither the last it is always hard to describe or put a felling in a single word. (well that is my opinion, although I believe your description of it is accurate)

Danger Stranger
Danger Stranger
10 years ago

Really? I find that one quite interesting although I would not know how to actually translate it xD, since it is meant to express feelings of surprise (I might check if I can find it in a dictionary latter, just out of curiosity xD)

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
10 years ago

Good to know! =D

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
10 years ago

Are you brazilian, right Alexandrine???

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago
Reply to  Dream Shark

100% Brazilian. For the best and for the worst.

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
10 years ago

Good to know, me too. B)
Okay, that's all! :D

10 years ago

I saw the ending coming a mile away…

10 years ago

Oliver you always do a great job, Thank You!!! And what can I say about the story and art work. Thumbs up!!! I loved the boobs and the ending.:p

10 years ago

Cute. Many thanx Oliver.

10 years ago

The end was pretty obvious. Quick question: what is up with the picture on pg 13, top middle panel? is the artist trying to some kinda x-ray there?

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
10 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

Yes, I think. But the censorship kill the effect, so….. ¬_¬

10 years ago

Yay new artist for me :D

Thanks a bunch Oliver-san!!

7 years ago

STEP-WINCEST, when done right, is fine, too.

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