Saudade – That Summer I Fell In Love With Onee-san [English], by Akagi Asahito
You clearly see the girl thinking “I may look kind and composed, but tonight I’m definitely bedding you” ^^
I’ll avoid throwing *the* big spoiler of the story, so let’s just say Saudade is about two youngsters in a similar situation, only separated by a few years, and who find solace, and then love, in each other’s arms
The censorship was brutal (whiteout T__T) and killed more than half of the enjoyment of me, but I enjoyed whole-heartedly the WAFF feeling coming from happy sex with love and mutual care for the partner’s pleasure, it felt good to read…
Thanks to whoever is behind this release !
By the same artist, I also share Furyou-chan To Kotatsu De Nukunuku Suru Oomisoka, Hadatsuki Romanchika and (brace yourselves, long-ass title incoming) Sukoshi Furyouppoi Onnanoko To Kyuujitsu Ni Ie De Daradara Shitai Hon.
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Thanks for the share Oliver!
Just out of curiosity, in my native language "Saudade" means "missing" as for the title it would be something as "I miss the summer I fell in love with onee-san", I'm still downloading it but if I take this title serious I expect it to be a story with a sad ending at least, (but I also know that in Hentai, quite often the titles are misleading xD).
OLIVER EDITING THIS COMMENT : I must apologize, the comments system fucked things up, and one of Alexandrine’s comments had to be trashed. Here is a copy of its contents, and, below, there is the following comment by Alexandrine. Sorry about this !
Alexandrine’s trashed comment : « Actually, the description is not mine. I just translated it from Dicionário Houaiss [sentimento melancólico devido ao afastamento de uma pessoa, uma coisa ou um lugar, ou à ausência de experiências prazerosas já vividas (frequentemente usado também no plural)].
Anyway, as you can see, our dekasegis are really influencing Japanese vocabulary. Recently, I found a translator looking for the meaning of “caramba”. »
(Below is the “real” new comment by Alexandrine. Once again, sorry for the mess !)
We have to be gentle in order to see sense in the title. "Saudade" is a Portuguese noun, and it exists only in Portuguese. It makes sense only if we consider that the narrator is remembering something from a previous adventure.
"Saudade" is a melancholic feeling due to distance from someone, something or some place, or to the lacking of pleasurable experiences already lived.
Well I would not go as far as call "Saudade" a melancholic feeling, since I would use as something I miss but not actually want to go back to the way it was since probably I'm way better the way I'm now or at least I don't feel like regretting the choices I made.
But neither the last it is always hard to describe or put a felling in a single word. (well that is my opinion, although I believe your description of it is accurate)
Really? I find that one quite interesting although I would not know how to actually translate it xD, since it is meant to express feelings of surprise (I might check if I can find it in a dictionary latter, just out of curiosity xD)
Good to know! =D
Are you brazilian, right Alexandrine???
100% Brazilian. For the best and for the worst.
Good to know, me too. B)
Okay, that's all!
I saw the ending coming a mile away…
Oliver you always do a great job, Thank You!!! And what can I say about the story and art work. Thumbs up!!! I loved the boobs and the ending.:p
Cute. Many thanx Oliver.
The end was pretty obvious. Quick question: what is up with the picture on pg 13, top middle panel? is the artist trying to some kinda x-ray there?
Yes, I think. But the censorship kill the effect, so….. ¬_¬
Yay new artist for me
Thanks a bunch Oliver-san!!
STEP-WINCEST, when done right, is fine, too.