Yumihara-san Datte Shishunki Nandesu [English], a Buddy Complex hentai doujinshi, by Gold Rush

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments
Tags: happy sex

Oddly, I find this picture much hotter without seeing the face of the girl O_o It's strange, usually it's the exact opposite. And yet, she's a cutie O.o

In the present doujinshi, supposed to be a parody of Buddy Complex, it’s fairly hard to guess this anime is yet another series about mechas slugging at each other while emotionally unstable Japanese teenagers try to grow into adults and, as side benefits, perhaps taste some boobs and save the world. Am I wrong, with this prejudiced description based on a dozen wikipedia lines ? I bet I’m not :D

More seriously, now ^^ In the present share, we see a girl fantasizing hard about a boy from her class, and imagining they’re having hardcore sex in class, oral and vaginal. The whiteout + black bars censorship ruined the first half (oral sex), but on the other hand, the second half (vaginal time) was almost not defiled, the censorship was much less visible and/or getting in the way, that was quite refreshing =)
All in all ? Happy sex, a hot body, good drawings, it’s enjoyable fap’n’go, enjoy ! ^^

Credits are for Woe90 and Qberg from LifeForKaoru, thank you ! :)
(For MORE works by Gold Rush, Cf. The list of ALL his works on hentairules)

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10 years ago

I've never seen Buddy Complex, but now I'm strangely interested in it..

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  loplop

You'll tell me if my description was accurate ? ^^

10 years ago

Ooh! OOHH! You cant forget about the CONVOLUTED time travel and barely sustainable explaination of physics! Those were, and if you cant tell Im being sarcastic, THE VERY BEST PART!

Number one rule of fiction, DONT EXPLAIN SHIT. If your fans want to know why, they'll figure it out on their own. The more you tell them, the easier a diving board they'll have to pick off all the other flaws in your logic of why things should happen the way they do.

Yea, Acurate. Still not a bad series, interesting ideas, but it didnt suprise me when the series got canned before the second season and they had to rush out a set of two half hour ovas to finish the series off.

Or atleast thats what I think happened. Ive never seen a series that was liked have a cliff hanger ending and not be picked up for a full second season. Course Ive seen series get movies to tie up loose ends (like Eden of the East), but thats not a set of ova's.

Well, at least it got finished, so I guess thats something. I dont think I'll ever see then ending of Legend of the Legenary Heroes, another one of those not terible, but not great animes.

10 years ago

Not the best that I've seen, but not certainly not the worse as I watched it over the past couple of days. I would have to agree with the 2 episode OVA to tie everything together as opposed to a second season was not as good as it could have been. I did like the ending though. I would have just like to seen more from there.

10 years ago

She was awesome!! thank you!