Committee’s Role Model [English], by Mikemono Yuu
The heroine is a highschool’s morals committee chairwoman. Enough said, right ?
I could add she takes her duty seriously and protects the other women from the unsatable lust of one of her male classmates, by being his exclusive partner
It’s happy sex with mutual liking, don’t worry, it starts as female domination but that doesn’t last long ^^ Credits are forVaasi TL, thank you ! Additionally, I owe one to Thechaserjondoe who shared this one in a blog comment, and recommended it for sharing
By the same artist, I also share a pack of 2 works, Bokunchi No Senshichou and, behind the Sigma Arts pen name, there is also Ikaruga Inran Zoushi.
UPDATE : goddamnit ! I was already sharing that one on hentairules, and in the links I gave just above, to make it worse >_<
Sorry for the poor memory
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Oli page 1 TL VAASI
Ah, damnit. Thanks.
This has been shared in :…
What this guy said, you've shared this. Hell you even gave us link to it.
Sigh, thanks guys -_-
The next time you get a boner you'll know where to come!!! Um, shouldn't that be cum? :p
This is some fine work you got here
Thanks a bunch Oliver-san!