Torochichi Daitai Fuhoni Na Wakan (“Involuntary But Consensual Sex”) [English, 200 pictures], by Kon-Kit
If you add huge misunderstandings and characters totally blasé with life, I guess the title, “Involuntary but consensual sex” is NOT impossible, huhu ^^ The result is surprisingly light-hearted, free from drama, pain or cruelty (regrettably, this is important to mention it with the artist Kon-Kit) ! I present you a manga bursting with enthusiastic and carefree sex… and, on top of all, LOADED with comedy
Sure, some things pretty unfair and wicked happen, but it’s never taken seriously, always seen from the funny side, and if some characters go through “ordeals” (you’ll understand), either it’s not so bad or they deserved it.
Most of the stories are sequels to things we’ve seen in previous tomes like Midara Books. It’s good
As for the drawings, they’re great too, generous, powerful sex, oral, vaginal, anal, DP, paizuri, everything, and it’s a mix of great happy sex, of eventually happy sex, and non-serious (oh god I’m writing shit like that) hentai rape O_o
I share MORE great stuff by Kon-Kit, cf. The list of his works!
P.S. : that cover is FUCKING GORGEOUS, don’t you think ? ^_^
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(415 MB, 200 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
One of the works previously shared on Hentairules, in magazine scans, has now been added to the present volume (and, boy, the different tank scans make ! Wow !). This work is :
– Suicide Man’s Tent
I allowed myself to crop two short pictures that were even more full of WTF than the rest ^^
That’s pretty hardcore
Is that a drawing screwup, or a new Japanese fetish, auricular creampie ? ^^;;
As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 3000 px to standard 1600 px resolution. The zip shrank from 415 MB to 87 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Yay for sex story continuity!!!! Kon Kit's the best at those.
I also enjoy the continuous use of characters. I had wondered if the guy who hunted the rabbit, is also the husband of the hot U.S.A. woman who seduces his son.
Anyway, I am hoping for an eventual re-up of Honey Dip Second, because the current one has big printed words on the bottom of the pages from a file share website. Credits should really go at the end or beginning of chapters.
Yes, the rabbit hunter and the cuckold husband are the same.
As to Honey Dip 2, try another download site, simply:
As Kon-Kit's number one fan, I have to thank you, Oliver.
It’s Kon-Kit, so the art is great. It’s Kon-Kit, so the story is a mixed bag.
I’m disappointed that we don’t see Toshi again (we see Clara [Kurara]) or a continuation of Unconfirmed Falling Object.
On the other hand, I’m happy we don’t see Woman on the Edge of a Cliff and Kaya-nee. All they ever did was get “raped” and like it. Kon-Kit is funny when he isn’t being mean.
@kindle_reader, yeah he’s the same guy. And you probably already know why his wife cheats on him, and why it’s ok.
enjoyed, thx
Merry Xmas all!!!
Awesome. Many thanx Oliver.
Always Love Kon-Kit
Good stuff Oliver-san!!!
[Kon-kit] Netorare New Heroine tank already translated
what volumes include the prequels to those stories? I”m already wanting to see the origins to the opening arc, and if I understand, it’s not the only case… so maybe I’d better do a kon-kit retrospective, but in proper order.