Suimitsu Shoujo [English, Full-color], by Yakiyama Line, now in an UNCENSORED version !
This is somehow embarrassing, to have a bad memory like that. I found in my unsorted downloads folder, this decensored version of Suimitsu Shoujo 5. Where and when did I get it ?!?
Anyway, I felt like sharing it, it’s a real value added, to have it uncensored, and thanks to Ser Maggot for the decensoring !
I also share a pack with all of my Yakiyama Line shares (After School Stranger, Aoringo Nocturne, Futari Hanabi, Suimitsu Shoujo 1, Suimitsu Shoujo 5 now in its decensored version), the links to this full pack are at the bottom of the present post.
Please pardon me for being lazy, I’ll simply copy-paste the description I wrote when I shared, two years ago, the still-censored version of Suimitsu Shoujo 5 :
I have strongly conflicted feelings towards Yakiyama Line, or should I say towards Kahlua Suzuki. On the one hand, this artist draws really sweet and erotic teen girls, most often in arousing highschool uniforms.
On the other hand, he (or she ? I’d feel better if it was a “he”, for some reason) gives the girls shitty sexual partners, fat ugly despicable old farts
This is why I skipped on plenty of Yakiyama Line releases (yep, I did, just like I skipped on some Fei/Maidoll releases after seeing the drawing quality dropped, I’m now waiting for an opportunity to make a repack some day), I’m still sharing the present 5th volume of the Suimitu Shoujo because a) this is in glorious almost uncensored full-color, and b) the male partner is almost OK this time, it’s a big improvement !
Credits are for CoNTRa and QB Translations, thank you for this one
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(24 MB, 23 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
And, as I wrote above, if you like, I’m also offering you a repack of all my past shares by Yakiyama Line, including the not-even-newly uncensored version Suimitu Shoujo 5
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
This pack contains :
– After School Stranger
– Aoringo Nocturne
– Futari Hanabi
– Suimitsu Shoujo 1
– Suimitsu Shoujo 5
(I am aware this isn’t EVERYTHING Yakiyama Line has ever made, but even though the drawing style with its stuble pencil-drawn feeling is really sweet, I just can’t stomatch the “girl in uniform gets raped by fatsos” usual storyline, and the worst I chose not to share were the worst in that genre.)
Heh, it's been a year already? I actually only wanted to decensor one image of this just for practice but I ended up doing the whole thing anyway. By the way, eroguro55 decensored the first Suimitsu Shoujo . The English version is out there somewhere.
Ah, so it was you ?
(clears throat. Grabs a megaphone.)
I’m not so interested in spending the unavailable minimum amount of time it takes for an update of the first Suimitsu Shoujo volume : not in glorious full color, and a story that’s much, much worse, frankly, no, that’s not motivating at all
Er, assuming that "Mika-chan" in the last segment was the same girl doing school uniform cosplay sex, the only comment that comes to my mind is:…
Love it!
Thanks a bunch Oliver-san!