Ore No Imouto To Asa Made H Suru (“Doing Ecchi Things With My Sister Until The Morning”) [English, with minor changes], an Oreimo hentai doujinshi, by Mikekodou
Here is a pleasant no-brainer “happy sex with love” Oreimo parody, between the two main characters of the series, Kirino and her brother. The drawings are quite good, full of energy, and there’s very little censorship =)
The manga was translated by Haolen, thank you very much ! ^_^
A note, this is not very good English, Haolen stated in his credits he’s doing his best despite being neither a Japanese nor English native, so let’s not complain and be grateful, shall we ?
I also amended a little bit the texts when it was wrong enough for me to notice, in photoshop with noob-ish selecting-deleting-cloning letters (from “become” to “became”, adding a missing “it”, adding an “s”, you see the kind of things, replacing once “brother” with “sister”, the funnier was creating a new “R” by cloning a “P” and adding a chunk of an “I”, huhu ^^), and cropped away the bad borders of some pages, to help when I could.
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Now that's a really, really good sister. Her big boobs being in color were perfect:p