Amanee [English, 210 pictures], by Shiomaneki
Here is a nice complete hentai manga, brought to us by Tadanohito and the generosity of his commissioners, thank you!
Scenario-wise, this is happy sex, each chapter being a new story. However, most of the women have a strongly domineering side, sometimes worthy of being called sadistic. I’d say, it’s only with 3 women this wasn’t going too far to be comfortable to read as a man (and then, basically, it was simply happy sex with the woman in charge). They love being in charge, on top, in control, they adore to embarass or even humiliate their male partners. Most of the time it’s lightweight (I prefer it anyway in hentai, when the woman takest the first step ), but at times it’s seriously disturbing… I can’t say I thoroughly enjoyed more than half of the manga because of it.
Still, even when I was ticked off, I appreciated the numerous comedy bits =)
And graphically, you may ask ? It’s Shiomaneki, a master of hentai! Really good drawings, extremely detailed and well-done, with close to no censorship, it’s a gem
By Shiomaneki, I also share the great Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun (158 pictures, commissioned and decensored by yours truly), Kouzen Waisetsu Kanojo (181 pictures, Uncensored), and there’s also Desperate Neighbour, Otoshiana, Makinami Mari, Hanmen Kateikyoushi – The Tutor, a pack of 2 works ( Love the Cat Next Door + Nozomi’s Toy), Wwife, Drunk Love and The Power Of Swimsuits.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(186 MB, 210 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 2000 px to standard 1600 px resolution. The zip shrank from 186 MB to 101 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Noone else disturbed by a kid studying the Riemann zeta function ?
not really no.. why should we?
What, that's perfectly normal to study it when you're only 16 or so ! I think highschoolers nowadays seriously lack of difficulty in their studies. :p
(Just kidding, I would have cried blood if I had to study something like that back then !)
Anyway, thanks a lot Oliver for the share !
I'm a bit ashamed to say I didn't notice at all what math they were studying ^^;;
But also because I never studied it myself O_o
Heck, I made it as far as lagrangians (where I cried tears of blood). While today I doubt I remember how to calculate a derivate -_-
Oliver that's a double hotness in a row!!! gonna reach a tripe combo? XD
Unlikely, but… who knows ? ^^
Oh yeah!! forgot to mention! theirs a scene from this manga that got animated! XD its the scene with the Ps3 and the aunt
(chapter 2)
Oh ?
you gotta read this one:
Incredibly hot wedding night^^
Adding it for later read, thank you
Here Oliver if you wanna share it Erobeat made the subs (also took link from their website.)
Not much time or interest to post censored as hell (as it shall be, isnt' it ?) anime like that, though^^
If you're interested in posting it on the blog, I can make you an account ^^
could be fun! XD (and yea its censored..)
Then I can create you an account and you can post the movie ^^
Just make sure to give preview images (we don't want people to download just in case and regret later), write what it's about, and give download links
The email address associated to your comments, black_ something, it's a valid one ?
yes it is.
Uploaded link was flagged as having spyware or a virus.
Trying the other links.
Read this:…
Ah, it’s been a few weeks since I visited, didn’t see that. I figured it was bullshit. Thanks.
Well, in a way, it IS bullshit. Uploaded really needs to get his shit fixed :-/
When I reported the problem to them, they told me I should try with another antivirus + firewall, they clearly don't understand there is a systemic problem with them.
If it can help you, in case you have premium, with Chrome you CAN force-finish the download, while it remains blocked with Firefox unless (something I would never recommend) you completely turn off that security feature.
Only vouching for my own files, they are binary-identical, copied from a unique source, so unless uploaded tampers with them (the few tests I made after this alert show they do NOT), even while flagged, it should be trustworthy.
Fuck i'm ready for this work!
Thakns again Oliver-san!!!
Salut à Toi, Oliver !!
D’abord, MERCI !! pour tout ce que tu fais ici, pour nous !!
Je ne sais pas si c’est le bon endroit mais j’ai une question pour toi
( j’insiste bien sur le mot “question”, certains pourraient y voir une “réclamation” )
J’aimerais savoir si tu comptais faire Amanee ! de Shiomaneki en version uncensored !!
Bon courage à toi
Plop !
Donc, non, je n’ai pas ça dans les cartons. Tu as essayé de contacter JB Random, pour voir s’il veut le prendre en tant que commission ?
I headed to google to see whats about, apparently an uncensored version exists now:
I made a version, directly for you, if youd like you can simply post it.
Thanks man, you got me there for a second ^^
It’s project-Hentai version, and as they’re active and all, I’ve decided I’d stay away from their releases, just like Fakku’s.
Well, if that is your decision, i can’t force you, but wont it be problematic that you host even a translated version on HR?
One’s got to define where the pointer lies in the gray zone, betweek OK and not OK. Not the same scan source = OK, basically. Of course, if I receive a request not to, I won’t, you also see the idea, and there are mangakas on whom I have given up for the same reason.