Ayakashi Kitan Mayoi No Mori Kitsune Goten (“Ghost Story – The Bewildering Forest Fox Palace”) [English], by Royal Koyanagi
There are in average 18.875 thick censorship bars per page with sexual activity.
For a net total of 453 thick censorship bars. (I counted & calculated. Yes.)
Let’s make it worse, shall we ? Some drawings were applied above the bars, such as hands or SFXes, so we can tell the drawings were applied from within the mangaka’s studio.
No, seriously, why is Royal Koyanagi even bothering to do this job ?
I’m still sharing it for the love of old times, but here’s my personal opinion regarding this story : just don’t bother download it, it’s not enjoyable anymore.
Story : 3 young girls discover a resort for gods deep in a forest and, as thanks for coming (nothing sinister implied, it’s happy sex), they are invited to the unavoidable local massive orgy.
Credits : my dear Desu and Mr Horeseshoe, thanks of course.
For MORE, Cf. The list of Royal Koyanagi’s Works on Hentairules
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I don’t know why, but the sight that irked me more than all of the others was that bit of a panel where we could see a man’s hand holding his moderately small penis by the middle. On both sides of his hand you could see a thick censorship bar, to hide the rest of his shaft…
"There are in average 18.875 thick censorship bars per page with sexual activity. For a net total of 453 thick censorship bars." – Oliver
Will give this a go, but in advance, ….. http://static.carthrottle.com/workspace/uploads/c…
Further comment AFTER I go through with it.
do you all pay for decensorizing this stuff?
Most decensorings are free, but sometimes they're paid, as some decensorers don't spit on bonus money if people are ready to cough it out.
You were so mad you didnt add the recompressed version?
Err… ooops… yeah.
Making a smaller version takes a toll on my time, and for something that drove me furious, no, I don't feel like using more of my time on it.
Sorry for the hindrance it may impose on you !
ya shame.. Royal Koyanagi sensei work is a national treasure too… -_- But! Still gonna read it!! XD
Initially, I was really interest, after all, this come from Royal Koyanagi, but, man, what a piece of trash!
Love the work of Royal Koyanagi – Master of Orgy Scenes, but this censorShit overdrive is really lame! xP
J'aime énormément le travail de RK, mais il faut bien dire que c'est en effet abusé.
Cependant, je ne pense pas que cela vienne du studio de l'auteur, car ayant plusieurs Eros-Comix avec ses travaux dedans, je confirme que tous les mangakas présent dans ces titres sont censurés exactement de la même manière, y compris Type 90 et quelques autres bien connus sur ce site.
J'ose espérer que son prochain tankoubon sera bien moins censuré que la parution originale…