Merry first of April, boys and girls ! ^____^

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 41 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

So, yeah, obviously, all these tricky questions upon entering hentairules were bogus, and only meant as an April’s fools joke :D

My plans were simply to troll you hard (I honestly never conceived April’s fools jokes as material for subtlety), with a sadistic series of traps :
– the correct answer wouldn’t always be on the left
– changing the position of the boxes. I was jumping on my chair with an evil laughter when I saw you can frigging rotate boxes with css :twisted: And you really must count yourselves lucky the good old “marquee” html tag was breaking all the other CSS, otherwise you would have had bouncing around boxes :twisted:
– finishing by asking the contrary of the previous questions, “are you underage”

… what I had not planned would be that a fairly large number of people would have complained they couldn’t enter the site :shock:
I apologize if I made it too sadistic, I cannot lie and tell that I am sorry (for, sorry, I am not), but I can present you my regrets if it gave you a bad time, for that, that wasn’t what I wanted :-|

My great thanks go to Schwul and Renan, who most kindly provided me with code to make it work, I would have been unable to achieve something like that myself :jap:

Lastly, as every year, I’d like to adress a common critics I hear : that I begin my prank at the wrong time, that it’s not yet the first of April for you, or that the first of April is over for you when you see that prank.
Hey, seriously… the Earth is a sphere. I can’t be in everyone’s shoes.
During almost 24 hours, it’s not yet going to be the first of April everywhere on it. And during almost 24 hours, the first of April won’t be over yet on it for everyone.
So… chill. It’s a globalized internet : you must be on your guard from March 31st to April 2nd, no choice. And me, I don’t see a reason to have a super-tight schedule :)

Sorry for the long post, be well, everyone ! ^_^

(Hey, didn’t anybody notice the brony banner on top of the site ?!? I’m leaving it till tomorrow ^^)

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Schuyler Thorpe
9 years ago

I told my wife about your bi-yearly April Fool's pranks that you pull on your website (like the famous FBI warning that got everyone's goat) and this one was good. I was clicking boxes like a mad man and laughing my butt off.

Plus, the My Little Pony banner is awesome. It should be a regular mainstay on this site…just because.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

But… but… I do them every year, not every two years O_o

9 years ago

Top notch Oliver, top notch. On another note, a different site visit pulled off that same FBI crap, but I knew it was bogus.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  kcz117

They had to pull it out the same year as Megaupload, or else it was worthless :D

9 years ago

ha, i noticed the pony banner as well (my first thought was "uh-oh here come the pony porn") but i loved your little "box trick" it didn't fool me bas i saw passed the whole thing but it was still funny, you should keep it now and then to keep everyone on guard XD

9 years ago

I myself failed and misclicked on the last question… I FREAKING KNEW IT BEFORE AND FAILED….. shame….

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Renan


9 years ago
9 years ago
Reply to  thatguy

Saw that dudes work on DA and got hooked immediately, those soft curves are glorious I tell you!!!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Nikolauss

… what ?

Is that REALLY parodies of My Little Pony ???

9 years ago

Those boxes were irritating as shit. I was on my tablet when I saw them this morning, and had to select the correct answer with my big, thick thumbs…

Just a little prank, thank godzilla, so I'm not mad. You devious deviant.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  HentaiAddict

I didn't have a tablet to do the testing, sorry it may have been irritating, mate !

Say, how BAD was that, actually ? I mean,
– do the usual hentairules website pose serious problems for you on a tablet ?
– was the fools prank really close to unclickable ?

Reason I'm asking : as I'm thinking on making a mobile ver., it'd good to know how I must css-ize the links. Maybe surround them with bigger stuff and make the whole of it clickable, maybe force more space between clickable elements… you see the idea.

9 years ago

I spend a lot of time, online, on my android based Samsung Galaxy tablet. Overall, HentaiRules is very tablet friendly. I do most of my browsing, downloading and reading on my tablet.

As for the April Poisson… it was mildly irritating, but nowhere near unclickable.

If you did / do make a mobile version, I know that I'd stick to this version because I don't care for the clunky appearance of most mobile versions of sites. But for those that do, bigger links & buttons (for navigating and redirecting within the site) would be good. And flash animation isn't natively supported on android devices, so maybe avoid that?

Feel free to ask me for more input. All the wonderful hentai over the years, it's the least I can do.

9 years ago

On a related note, the IntenseDebate comments do not load in mobile version (I have to force desktop mode).

Also, the comment page itself is broke on the ACP on mobile. The entire left part is missing, so if I’m on my phone it’s impossible for me to know who I’m talking to as the name/IP/email is not displayed at all.

9 years ago

Ah that was a good laugh trying to get into the site, nice going it sure trolled the hell out of me for a bit.

9 years ago

Yeah, it didn't hit me it was a prank until I saw a reply to my post in another thread.

As for the jumping box, it did work for me, sometimes the box would change positions before I could click it.

Reminded me of an old page that folks would get redirected to and would show you an endless stream of click boxes. It let you go after about 1000 clicks.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  oldbrokenhands

I seriously considered it, but then, people would have given up for real ^^

9 years ago

that was epic!
i kept on getting the damn brony video until i actually read the LAST box.
good one!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  mvee


9 years ago

i feel out of place since i'm not a browny.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

Officially, nobody is, if that can reassure you.

However, laughing with MLP themes isn't so bad, you see the idea ? That doesn't require to fap to the idea of small horses having sex, fortunately -_-

9 years ago

nooooo, i missed the pony banner

9 years ago

That was very funny ;). Very well done!

9 years ago

Huh I guess I failed hard on this one. When the box reappeared and started moving around after I answered once, I realized it was a joke and just deleted the node with Chrome developer tools (I do this all the time to remove cookie policy and other pesky overlays)…

Was there something at the end I missed? I just assumed the thing would go on forever, which would not make sense actually.

9 years ago
Reply to  HypnoPhag

The one that moved when you hovered over it was the last one.

9 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I never got close to that one. Only saw the static one (the very first) and then the rotating one which I killed right away.

BTW your comeback is not an April Fool's thing, I hope? I also had shit happen to my ear, which reminded me of you (the curse of the Japanese hypno listener wtf?)

While I'm at it, did you notice Phan has moved her twitcast to ? Never quite manage to catch her live, but I once caught her at the end of a 8H gaming marathon (she was doing Mario and basically sucked hah but then again it was like 6am JST…). She was also reciting ecchi lines in kansaiben (how could I fail to realize for so long she was born in Kyoto). There are a few recorded liveshows, like… where she complains about some newspaper salesman being (as annoying as) a virgin "plz let me put just the tip, I promise I'll make it worthwhile for you".

She was also on some radio show whose URL I can't find atm (there were a few half-censored pics of her).

9 years ago
Reply to  HypnoPhag

huh she's gone full gamer now, just saw on her twitter she's screencasting bloodborne @ PS4 right now

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  HypnoPhag

Woops. Just saw this comment of yours in the spambox, HypnoPhag. There, approved :)

9 years ago
Reply to  HypnoPhag

I actually haven’t listened to anything since last year (and I’ve barely been downloading anything either), but if you guys want me to start doing it again I will. If Oliver makes a poll post asking about it I’ll respond to whatever the answer is.

I mean, the h-audio posts weren’t all that popular in general, but I dunno if anyone besides you who liked those is still active here.

Also, didn’t know about any of that stuff. So thanks for linking it. I followed her on Twitch. :3c I’m gonna be aroused and annoyed at the same time since I can’t even get by the first part of Bloodborne.

9 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Haven't listened to anything in ages either (lack of time), but planning to, someday :|

Found the internet radio with Phan

She'll be attending M3 (which I gather is a sort of mini comiket for audio?) as Mijinko, she's no longer doing comiket cause she always goes back to her parent's place on those dates.

9 years ago
Reply to  HypnoPhag

Well, it's not like I can go to any of those events anyway lol.

So I watched her stream Bloodborne on Twitch. Was upset to find that she played it without a headset, so there was no talking. ;_;

Also, Oliver made the post I asked for

If you has any requests, let me know (but I have a feeling you're more up-to-date than me, I'm gathering up all the ones I'm missing and I'm currently on RJ136713.)

9 years ago

i think it was rly funny, if it would have been permanet it wouldnt have concernd me so much, but iam happy that it was just joke, cause so much clicking is pretty anouing

9 years ago

I just loved the prank, congrats!

9 years ago

Nothing will ever beat the pink background. It's the only one still remember.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  lz55

Hmm, the one with Justin Bieber ?

9 years ago

[quote]Hey, seriously… the Earth is a sphere.[/quote]

The idea that the Earth is round is a nonsense invented by Columbus, I think. As everyone knows, the earth is flat, and rests on four giant turtles.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Nickless

Bullshit, the Earth is in the shape of a bowl plate, how dare you defy the teachings brought by God's Noodly Appendage.

9 years ago

that was funny ^^ keep on rocking! gotta love hentairules

9 years ago

Well done, Olliver. Thak you!

9 years ago

I vote to keep the brony. Too funny

9 years ago

Eh i missed this one out :O