Turning Point Anniversary Edition [English, 234 pictures], by Takuwan

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 25 comments

I'll mention there is ONE chapter that doesn't belong to the rest of the story. This picture comes from it.

Woah O_o Hentai, with plot, and with a megaton of quality sex :shock:
Just… awesome!! :woot:

I’ll carefully avoid spoilers, and tell we have lovers, time rewinding, multiple life choices, the building of a worthy life, and absolutely gorgeous hentai orgies :twisted:
The enthusiastic and explicit contents, with a focus on highly detailed prominently drawn genitalia, reminded me of artists like Kai Hiroyuki, Sakaki Utamaru and, on top of all (the similarity is strong!) Warashibe (check out his Otome Gokoro and Nikuyoku Analyze mangas…)

It was top-tier quality hentai, for the story and the porn. I mean it, try it =)
Side note, I don’t offer you the manga in its crazy original release size of 606 MB. It’s only on Aprils First days that I’m that sadistic ¬_¬

By the same artist, I also share H.Ero – Sei No Kyoushitsu (“Classroom of Sex”, 243 pictures), Pakotate! Seikouritsu 0% No Teppeki Bishojo VS Seikouritsu 100% No Hentai Katei Kyoushi (235 pictures), Imouto Wa Boku No Ayatsuri Ningyou and Honor Student Ooshima Yuna’s Neglicence.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(312 MB, 234 pictures, English)
Originally, the manga’s zip file was 606 MB huge. Crazy. I recompressed it to 312 MB, and even though it’s now half smaller, you don’t be able to find a difference with the naked eye, enjoy ! =)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 3000 px to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 312 MB to 114 MB.
Compare this to the 606 MB I had to leech to get the manga, I call this a sweet improvement, hehe ^_^
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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Part time commie
Part time commie
9 years ago

"secret lewd finger technique climaxing dance". This is great, i am not done yet but the story is fun so far and the art is something to behold. We are dealing with a talented individual here.

Also nice job with the april fools joke, you got me!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago


9 years ago

Holy Crap that was the best h manga I have read in years top tier art work but not only that a awesome storyline with a sweet ending with this manga this author has placed himself with the ranks of Gods such yamatogawa,nico pun nise, distance and raita TY oli for bringing us this Masterpiece

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Carnor_jax007

Maybe not that much of a masterpiece, but a crazily good piece of hentai, yeah :D

9 years ago

WOAH!!! a must have! thx Oliver!

9 years ago

OMG.. It was awesome!!!!! Tomoya was amazing ^^ thank you very much for small version Oliver:)

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

OK, there's a weird bug, the older comments made in this post aren't appearing O_o

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

I counted, there should be EIGHT comments here (they show in the blog administration), excluding the one I'm typing right now. Only three appear.

WTF, wordpress O_o

EDIT : better than nothing, I'll list the contents of those comments here.

Sorry guys -_-



WOAH!!! a must have! thx Oliver!



Holy Crap that was the best h manga I have read in years top tier art work but not only that a awesome storyline with a sweet ending with this manga this author has placed himself with the ranks of Gods such yamatogawa,nico pun nise, distance and raita TY oli for bringing us this Masterpiece


Part time commie

"secret lewd finger technique climaxing dance". This is great, i am not done yet but the story is fun so far and the art is something to behold. We are dealing with a talented individual here. Also nice job with the april fools joke, you got me!


9 years ago

What is up with the rediculous .zip sizes from scanlators? I don't need 300dpi page proofs to appreciate nude cartoon girls :)

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  KrazyKarl

Some people imagine super higher DPI means better stuff for the naked eye.

Before you say it's ridiculous, I'll remind you some people pay a month's salary for a phone whose screen, no larger than a hand, still pretends it has the resolution of a 20+ inches monitor ;)

(and, yeah, it's still ridiculous)

9 years ago

How i wish i could go back to the past as well.. :D

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Katsu

I used to think like that, and then I had my kids.

Now, this has become a horror story, being made to travel to the past and re-live my life, thus sending the little ones meaning more than my life into oblivion, brrr

9 years ago

Excellent post. Many thanx Oliver.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Ehud

You're welcome, as always, Ehud :)

9 years ago

the rg file share keeps on counting down then nothing happens. usually a link to verify shows up at the end of the count down, but its been resetting.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Cerlancleo

Temporary server issues ? RG tends to be trustworthy, you must forgive small issues :)

9 years ago

I must admit, this is a Gold H kanga I ever read. It blend sex naturally to the story, very well done. The Art is splendid, remind me f Nagare Ippon. The story is about time loop, a theme that's hard to deliver even gor Holywood cinema. 5 star is not enough for this share!!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

Mangas like that make me glad to share hentai, yeah :)

9 years ago

Please fix the link Oliver~sama

9 years ago

Damn spring break is almost over i still haven't downloaded a lot :(

Thanks for the new artist for me Oliver-san!!!

9 years ago

THE Download link does not work

9 years ago

DL link is not working

9 years ago

Hi Oliver, files from deposit files is missing.

7 years ago

Eeeee hello… The smaller version in depositfiles went down

7 years ago

Oooooook it seems that the normal one has fallen to