Boku No Senyou Onna Kyoushi chapter 1 [English], by Tohzai

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments
Tags: happy sex

Once a woman lets her hair down and gets serious, OH FESTIVAL ! OH LIFE !

A new porn nugget by Tohzai ! :D Here, showing a female teacher (what is she, thirty ?) becoming the lover of a male student, happy sex with, maybe, love.
Tohzai’s art yielded incredible results, of the kind I love most, when a woman’s earnest and respectable face gradually becomes more honest and reveals her inner slutty side. In this, in the hentai world just like in the real world, lies one of the most wonderful sides of seduction, when your partner’s become honest and is going to show you his/her full sexuality… :3

Two notes. First, I did minor retouchings : BeforeAfter.
Second, there’s a minor mistake ^^ On page 21, the male MC tells he lives on the sixth floor… even though, in his building, there are only five floors including street level ;)

–Update: the post is obsolete. Follow this link :)

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9 years ago

This was yet another Korean to English translation by Traen and Waterflame from Vapor Scans, this time based on a Korean translation by Team Arcana.

I'm not sure if anything is lost/changed in these Japanese>Korean>English translations, but Vapor Scans seems to be doing a pretty good job so far.

Thanks a lot Oliver for sharing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

Undoubtably a lot is lost going between the languages (there always is), but considering you're relying on another language translation, you have no idea if the original translation is even accurate in the first place. :/

9 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

@Zathael do they have a Website? Vapor Scans? (My thirst is hard to quench..)

9 years ago
Reply to  Katsu

Well guess ill take that its no.

9 years ago
Reply to  Katsu

Oh sorry, missed your first reply. As far as I know, they do not have a website, they just post stuff on ehentai/exhentai.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

Thanks for the scanlator info, Zathael :)

9 years ago

WOW!!! I have to admit I was a little worried there but I guess it turned out that she really wanted it. Man, she was really hot to. I wish it could have all been done in wonderful color. And as always Oliver you did a great job on the retouchings. :p

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  JDH

Glad it helped ^^

Although, the biggest on my time was spent on the cover.

First the version with the fugly scanlator mark and then, after seeing there was a scanlator-mark-free version a few images later, after much, much, a whole lot of cursing, on the scanlator-mark-free version ^^

9 years ago

How the hell did i missed this one out?!?!

Thanks a lot Oliver-san!