Hentai audios, and HurpDurp ! :)
HurpDurp has been away for a very long time for personal reasons, and now he’s back.
However, he told me he wasn’t sure people still wanted him to share hentai audios.
In my eyes he’s playing the diva, of course new hentai audio shares would be welcome, I believe.
But why not, let’s let him be today’s diva, here’s the poll he was asking for.
Do you want new posts with hentai audio shares ?
- Yes (52%, 673 Votes)
- No (48%, 623 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,296
Now, on another note. Still talking about our hentai diva.
Would you, through your relations, or yourself, find a way to help HurpDurp find an internet job ?
He’s lacking a degree to prove qualifications, and lacking the years of working experience to make up for the lack of a degree, but, look, even a poor low-key job would do. He’s got brains, is good with a PC, there ought to be something.
Maybe you’d have an idea to help him get a job and stop being our local (although USA-soil-based) hikikomori/NEET ?
If you have ideas, contacts, suggestions, you’re welcome to share, in a comment, or by email (and then I’d relay it). I’m asking just in case
And before you whine, Hurp, since you’re reading this, I believe that’s it, being a friend, writing these lines, rather than sitting on my chair and telling you “sure, go ahead and resume sharing porn on the internet all day”.
Best I can do is point out a couple methods of monetizing websites…
But seeing as how I still work full time, it's obvious that I haven't had much success at it.
Well I don't really know how the unemployment rates are in US nowadays, but I though about 2 possible "carriers" (if I can call that)
First is work in a Call Center (I will be frank here, is a hectic work place and people do quit really fast, but that is why there is always vacant spots), you have to sell product to people who mostly doesn't need it or/and deal with complains about product that people acquired.
Second is working in the construction field (well, basically heavy-duty kind of work, such as operating machines, vehicles, or even just as man power)
I know those are really extreme for a someone who doesn't have a good mental heath (in the first suggestion) or a good physical health (for my second one), but both of them require almost no knowledge or much experience and they even give some kind of training courses (at least to keep you safe or to know how to handle the most commons situations).
Well I hope I at least could give some food for though Hurp and there are other options, but for now that was what I could think about it.
Just to make it clearer, when I mentioned good mental health and good physical condition, I am referring to what you need to have when dealing with those jobs.
I'm not referring that the person I am suggesting those jobs lack any of the mention above, it is something it is needed to at least not struggle at them.
FYI a NEET probably has neither of those.
Doesn't stop you from trying to better yourself, Hurp
I'm not being sarcastic, I'm not throwing empty advice. If your body feels better, your brain receives better blood flow, your hormone balance is less off, your body feels less like it's dragging you down.
You know what ? Simple as that, do pushups every day. Be like the male hero in the current Shiwasu serialization.
You'll feel like dying in all the upper body after the first round of 15-20, but a few months later, you'll do a hundred a day. That shit will *really* make you feel better in your body, and in your mind too. Might give you more confidence, and it will show when you interact with people.
Welcome back HurpDurp.
Good luck on finding the job you want bro; thank you for sharing!
Great initiative Oliver; I hope the internet will work in the favor of HurpDurp reaching the vacant spot for the job he's looking for or the person who knows about it.
Here's what the temps and others I have spoken with recommend:
Work as a free-lancer, network, and gain some work experience to put on a resume; then use linkedin for posting your trophies; finally post a shit-ton of resumes on careerbuilder.com, monster, and dice.com.
Aim high, hit medium and low, that's what I did.
I saw that site, it's it for recruiters ? Or also for people seeking jobs, but then I didn't see it ?
It's for both, the freelancers portion is here:
I worked with a guy who did this work on the side between his bowling tournaments.
Welcome back Hurp!
Oh god yes. I've missed them.
Got any requests? Maybe it'll make it on the brand new post that'll probably happen in two-three weeks. (Depending on whether or not I can get 5 recordings done in that time.)
Hi Oliver and HurpDurp. i really liked the hentai audios. Just a few days ago i thought about it, that i need something new.^^ To the other topic,
Unfortunatly i have no connections in that area.
I can only say that the worst thing you can do to yourself and others, is doing nothing. (It is still ok to take a break, sometimes if you really need one)
It doesn’t matter if you fail a few times in a new job, the important thing is that you get back up and try again. A job also helps you to organize your day. If you don’t find a decent job in the beginning, then you have a new goal. Find a better job. I wish you the best.
Got any requests? Maybe it'll make it on the brand new post that'll probably happen in two-three weeks. (Depending on whether or not I can get 5 recordings done in that time.)
Hi Hurpdurp, unfortunately I only listen to h-audio occasionally. I can only tell you a setting what I would a appreciate. if possible no succubus a real love relationship with a nice long foreplay would be nice. I also like it when they switch slowly between the ears^^.
Seems pretty 50/50, but I'm gonna go ahead and call it and say "fuck it, guess I'm posting new files now".
Anybody got any requests? I need some new things to add to the post that'll happen within the next month!
(I'll make a post on Sunday advertising my future return and asking for new suggestions/requests. Keep in mind it's been awhile since I've listened to any, so I may be a little rusty.)
« Really HurpDurp, if you are holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time »
– Albus Gay Dumbledore
And now, try again to get a job and do those hentai shares too