Innocent ~Shoujo Memoria~ [English, 202 pictures], by Akatsuki Myuuto
200 pages, 116 of which are uncensored. Full with tons of AWESOME sex, harem situations, love, and stories that are very original. This, my fellow hentai lovers, is Innocent ~Shoujo Memoria~, and I hope you’ll like it
Restrain your joy, only the first story arc of this manga is new on Hentairules, the others were already shared as standalone releases, before their tank came! (More details below)
Also, a warning, most of the girls look young (that felt like with Saida Kazuaki). On the rare occasion it’s pure loli, most of the time it’s “only” borderline – enough to make me ill at ease, while I imagine practically everyone else will be popping the champagne corks.
Thank you VERY much to Saha and Omega999, Nightscream (he decensored The Princess Of The Sleep), Eroguro5555 (he decensored the first story arc), Food4Thought, LustyLady00 and BlackRussian from The Lusty Lady Project, and Setebos, Brolen and Makasu!!
By the same artist, I also share Beautiful Girls Club (“Bisyoujo Club”) volumes 1-2 (Tank, 442 pictures), Lingua Franca (252 pictures, Uncensored), Dorei Usagi To Anthony (uncensored, 243 pictures), Isekai Harem Paradise Jou + Ge (407 pictures), Lovemare Jou (250 pictures), Lovemare Ge (242 pictures), Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo (213 pictures), Shoujo X3 the hentai anime – episode 1, and Moratorium Shounen X Shoujo.
In greater lengths, now :
–> The only NEW element, the first story arc, is called The Memory Of Love (“Ai No Memory”, uncensored version)
–> The stories that are ALREADY known, but that now repacked within the tank where they belong, are:
. The Princess Of The Sleep (decensored version, with many more page joins than in the version released today in which most double pages were still regrettably separated)
. Shooting Star Gemini
. Master & Maidoll
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(133 MB, 202 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
As of usual when ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, ✔ it offers a significant gain, ✔ the images are not in damn too high resolution, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes, here from 133 MB to 61 MB.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Nice to see another volume by Myuuto completed. While I'm normally a fan of older characters, I love his drawing style.
She's a ridiculously amazing mangaka!
She? Do you mean Myuuto is a woman?
@Alexandrine Library,
Yes, I believe the mangaka is actually a woman. There was a picture of her on this site a while back.
She is a she, indeed.
That said, you should include her in your female hentai mangakas list.:D
Wasn't she already ? O_o
(I'll check it in a minute, and update the post if necessary)
PErfect Work!
that first one was so fucked up. like NTR level. not to say it is NTR, but it is just as bad.
Really ? Me, I found it quite dramatic, but it wasn't so bad, at least the teacher found happiness again, he found a chance to move on at last, while the teen girl got herself a lover.
Sure, the girl used dirty means to achieve it, but it ended rather well…
Many thanx Oliver.
Well, the author is great, certainly, but let me congratulate you, Oliver. You do know how to select your presentation image. Anyway, I remember you mentioning that you have already worked in marketing. I believe you were much more efficient than some professionals in the market who have no sense at all.
I've had a long experience with baby products images, but, looking back, with hentai, I've also learnt tons of new ropes that would have been of great use at that time, huhu ^^
Otherwise, I think it's natural that I choose the best images to start a blog post
(Except when there's a funny pic, if I can place one at the start, I'll choose that one, even if there's hotter in the manga
@Alexandrine Library,
Yes, I believe the mangaka is actually a woman. There was a picture of her on this site a while back.
Fucking love Akatsuki Myuuto
Thanks alot Oliver-san!