Gekihari Yon volume 4 [English], a Shingeki No Kiyojin (“Attack On Titan”) hentai doujinshi, by Kiyosumi Hurricane
In direct continuation to Gekishin volume 3, here is a well-thought, well-written love triangle story, between Eren, Mikasa and Levi.
The tone is dramatic, the emotions are strong and conflictual, and yet, if anything has a chance to save the day, it’s love. I believe that one is REALLY worth reading, even if you may find quite hard to fap to this.
I won’t say no more, for it would be spoilers (in this case, it would be a total waste), and you first need to read the volume 3 to understand the idea
This is a Doujin-Moe release, thank you!
By the same artist, I also share Gekishin 3 (in a two-works pack, but the other work is an obsolete share) and One-Hurricane volumes 1-6.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(62 MB, 41 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 3000 px to standard 1600 px resolution. The zip shrank from 62 MB to 12 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
The series is actually titled "Gekihari" and not "Gekishin". The "-shin" in "Gekishin" is a logical translation, but "Gekihari 4" is confirmed in an announcement on the circle's pixiv:
The title of that page is "ゲキハリヨン" = "Gekihari Yon" = "Gekihari 4". The Kiyosumi Hurricane circle likes to title its works with titles that end with "-hari" = "ハリ", because "ハリ" is the 1st half of "ハリケーン" = "hurricane".
Ditto. Thanks for the clarification
Meh, disappointing. I'd have preferred to see Eren kill that fuck.
This ending doesn't make up for the betrayal .
I read it, still not happy with it. I get the gist of it. Levi's basically saying to Eren "stop being so wishywashy". It's a HORRIBLE way to do it though, because it could've ( SHOULD've) backfired immensely. And Eren thanking him just shouldn't happen, ugh.
Apropos of nothing, that cover is hot…
Aye, the "thank you" at the end rustled my jimmies a fair bit.
This was a shitty continuation of the last one. For one, the kiss scene between Eren and Mikasa was extremely weak (I won't even use the word soft), it had NONE of the passion that the kiss Mikasa had with Levi in the previous one had. Also, while I did find the scene of Eren discovering his feelings for Mikasa touching, I agree with some of the other reviewers that the "thank you" from Eren to Levi at the end just completely obliterated whatever happy feelings came from that. I get that the Japanese are extremely polite, and often apologize and/or express gratitude for even the slightest thing, but that scene was not one that called for such a response.
It would've been a lot better in saving face had Eren simply gave Levi his answer, and then just walked away. Also, the scene with Levi banging the scientist lady (I can't remember her name) was completely unnecessary (not the conversation that followed). If anything, Eren should've been banging her, or one of the other female trainees, and had Mikasa come along and discover them, which in turn would've led to her to make a decision once and for all about where her true feelings actualy lie. But instead we get your typical "good, but weak guy gets cuckolded by the strong asshole & is only acknowledged by his woman as an afterthought, but still happily settles for sloppy seconds and even expresses gratitude for it" story. Ugh, enough with the fucking cliches already Japan, damn!!
I've been wanting to read this series, but as an NTR fan, I just can't stand it when it's my OTP.
Nameless fuck faces getting NTR'd? Whatever.
Eren ? Fuck no. I just can't handle it.
Reminds me of that one NTR story where C.C. fucks Suzaku and Lelouch watches through a phone stream. God damn that one made me angry.