Kouzen Waisetsu Kanojo (“Indecent Exposure Girlfriend”) [English, 181 pictures, Uncensored!], by Shiomaneki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 14 comments

I really, REALLY wish I was there :D

YAY ! Here is, my dear fellow hentaiers, a neat complete h-manga by Shiomaneki, drawn with great talent, and displaying a lot of nice situations, with happy sex every time :)
–Update, on the 3rd of February 2017: and now, thanks to a kind person called Recil, it is fully UNCENSORED!! :kickass:

The girls are young (most at highschool age, some as far as looking to be 25-to-30-ish), their bodies look good and natural, and the almost invisible extra-thin censorship bars fail to hide the glorious hardcore sex :twisted:
There’s also this typical Shiomaneki trait, the frequent humorous notes, in little details, or heavy comedy thrown into our face :lol:

Just as I did on the original censored version, with the newly dencensored version, again, I ran a faint retouching on the scans, to slightly darken the images (there were no blacks, just dark greys) and reduce the amout of white dots pollution. Make yourselves an idea, before / after.

Thanks a LOT to Doujin-Moe for this release, and to Recil for the decensoring, it was a blast :)

By Shiomaneki, I also share Amanee (210 pictures), the great Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun (158 pictures, commissioned and decensored by yours truly), and there’s also Desperate Neighbour, Otoshiana, Makinami Mari, Hanmen Kateikyoushi – The Tutor, a pack of 2 works ( Love the Cat Next Door + Nozomi’s Toy), Wwife, Drunk Love and The Power Of Swimsuits.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(118 MB, 183 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Recompressed version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, ☑ it offers a significant gain, ☑ the images are not in damn too high resolution, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes.
The zip shrank from 118 MB to 70 MB.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

For reference, some of my past shares have become obsolete, as they have now become chapters within the present manga.
To update your own collections, those works are :
– Public Training
– Dr Gal
(Only two ? I thought there were more, thanks to tell me if I failed to notice some of them!)

Just a little bonus, I cropped that funny part ^^
Above: just a funny extract ^^

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9 years ago

Didn't Shiomaneki also make Amanee? I didn't see it listed here.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  stevekh2

hasty reply as I'm going to bed : you're right, Steve! O_o

I had forgotten it, thank you :)

9 years ago

I was looking through my large hentai folder (curse you Oliver!:D) and saw that work, so I just brought it up. No problem, just here to help!

9 years ago
Reply to  stevekh2

i don't bother doing that anymore.. too many..>< Beside! when i read it once i rember it for life! XD

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Katsu

I'm envious, I have super poor memory :(

Frequently, I'll fail to remember something, and the memory will only come a day or two later. I even have a .txt file on my desktop with the "currently open" questions to ask myself again from time to time in case my brain finally unlocks the info :-/

9 years ago

That's actually kinda sad to hear you know…o.o

9 years ago

Thx for the share as always Oliver!

9 years ago

Shiomaneki is slowly turning into one of my favorites along with Tohzai :D

Thanks Oliver-san!!!

9 years ago

Nice share ! I can't really explain why, but I really like Shiomaneki's art…the girls never look too young or too old, the bodies just are perfect, the faces expressive, and the lower part really fine, and with some hair…we could say the same about plenty of other artists, but fuck yeah I love his (her ?) style ! :D

Anyway, thanks for the share Oliver !

9 years ago

Thx Oliver and Doujin Moe . It's the second work I read from Shiomaneki I really like the artstyle.

9 years ago

Thanks Oliver.

Did a bit of sync with my archives, and you were indeed sharing chapters 2 and 3 in the pack from October 2012, along with Power of Swimsuits (which you have listed in this post).

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Hypo

Hmmm, do you have the single chapter titles, so that I may update my list ? I'm kinda confused right now, about this…

9 years ago

I cleaned my zip file to keep only The Power of Swimsuits from that pack.
But if I remember correctly, it was just Kouzen Waisetsu Kanojo chapters 2-3.

It's all in the post you linked here under The Power of Swimsuits. http://www.hentairules.net/2012/10/17/pack-of-2-d

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Hypo

Haaaa, yeah O_o

I'll have to update that post as well, then. Thanks Hypo :)