Usukabe No Haitokukan [English, UNCENSORED version], by Kaze No Gotoku
First, the good things. The drawings are splendid, fully UNcensored, it’s about a woman looking like she’s in her early twenties, having hardcore sex full of energy with her neighbour. Oral, vaginal, deep thrusts, powerful expressions of ecstasy, moans, visually and in terms of intensity we’re having the full package. Hats off
Now, the bad things. This annoying bitch is cheating on her husband, basking in the glow of risking to get caught and destroy his life, he’s a nice guy trying to patch their dying relationship and this fucking she-whore treats him like shit
Will you like it for the art, hate it for the story (or like it for the story, to each his own!), it’s up to you ^^ Thanks to Farfallavendetta for this release
Another warning : « RIP English », there is HORRIBLE grammar é_è
By the same artist (Kazabuki Poni, circle Kaze No Gotoku), I also share the beautifully written Innocent – Muchi No Tsumi, Hajimete No Sekaiju (volumes 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, Extra, and Extra Love Potion), Apfelwein, Karma, Shojo Idol Kaikin Tomoe 〇mi, Tomoe Mami Intai? Zenbu Misemasu Namida to Nikuyoku no LAST LIVE!, Tomoe Mami Kaikan! Chijoku No Cosplay Interview, and Genkai Roshutsu Ninkizecchou Idol Tomoe 〇mi.
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Did you know that there are people who would say that you were a mysogonist for how you described this? Knew a girl in University who said any man that doesn't let their wife or girlfriend get with men outside the relationship is a sexist, as women are too majestic to tie to one man.
Shit you not.
Naw, I`m not surprised. I stumbled over the hole issue on youtube because there were sooo many videos regarding feminism and I wanted to know what the fuzz was all about. And because I was bored.
So here`s a quick summary:
Apparently a huge part of the feminist movement has been taken over by "women-supremacists" aka "feminazis" making claims such as "every 6th women is raped or sexually assaulted in her life" and spread fear many other ways. What "sexually assaulted" means is still open for debate though. Might include stares etc. Didn`t quite get it. The almighty "wage-gap" argument has been proved wrong, apparently.
So now there are anti-feminist groups led by women to fight those extreme views.
Feminazis fight against men and anti-feminists alike creating huge shitstorms all over the internet. They even give out rape-threats to anti-feminists (to show them how bad it is and that they are on the wrong side, because all men are rapists by nature and fighting for their rights is evil) which would be funny if it wasn`t just really, really sad.
The new term for people fighting for the same rights for men and women is now "equalists".
On the other hand there is a "men going their own way movement" who steer clear of any women at all, because they got screwed over by women or are sick of feminazis (or are bitter because no women loves them. Can`t tell.)
So you can either avoid feminazis or engage in useless debates or start a shit-nado or even a small civil war by cat-calling random women.
This concludes our social study for today. Take your trash with you while leaving. Your homework is to read a waff-vanilla story to get rid of the bad aftertaste.
And you in the back row.. NO SLEEPING during class.
– I think we're starting from a known problem, a real one.
The society is truly dominated by men almost everywhere in the world, either because some of them behave really badly, or because it's a natural reflex to co-opt with people of the same sex rather than people of the opposite sex.
Talks about the wage gap kinda make me want to laugh, they're essentially about the idea that a woman will not face a wage cap in her carreer if she doesn't choose to bear children, isn't encumbered by monthly strong pain in the middle of her body, if when she comes back at home she won't have to make more than her own proportionate part of the household chores, and if her work superiors take enough time to remind themselves not to judge her on her gender but on her work prowess. Every time those criteria are approached the wage gap disappears. Women can be blamed too, they won't even apply to some jobs or choose to study in these because it's obvious in their head they won't get them, it applies to quality jobs as well as shitty jobs.
And this is why the struggle for respect and equality is known as "feminism" and not "equalism", because the losing side is almost always of the same gender, and yet even men would benefit from living in a society without gender issues. Some men are raped or abused, them too, and because society is like it is, because the only way to be a man is to be manly and on top, they're put to shame if they dare speak about it, it's unfair for them too, for instance.
– the problem has reached internet discussions, because internet is a thing now
– and, sadly, that's a typical internet phenomenom, this has started to attract a whole bunch of assholes from both genders, who do not *really* like to defend a cause, but who are here to satisfy their sickening thirst for bloodlust, squabble, their desire to make others miserable and try to control other people's lives.
Punch drunk on bogus internet popularity, they feel encouraged, supported.
While they wouldn't have ever dared open their fucking mouth IRL (the first step is always the most fearsome one), on the internet they feel everything is easy and permitted and boom, they're on a roll.
While, being the most vocal of the crowd, they're the ones to whom the most media attention is given, as if they needed it.
Call them feminazis definitely. But call them – also – meninists.
I'm now steering clear of most discussions regarding feminism on the internet.
When it's about feminism, either I'm already talking with sane persons who are able to use their brain and will reach their own reasoned conclusions anyway, no matter if they'll agree with me or not, or else I'm talking with fucken braindead idiots to whom it's not interesting to talk anyway.
You also forget, Oliver, how pop culture society has pushed women to not even be interested in hard sciences, such as the STEM fields. They are perfectly capable of being in said fields as men, but women, in general, are not inerested in such things. Media is made it become this way.
Which is why I seperate Femenist and Femnazis. Femnazis are as bad as the TRP guys, in terms of being radical and wanting power. They are the ones that want to remove porn because it makes women sex objects, even had some so radical in University that wanted men removed from society and kept on reservations.
Femenists are simply fighting for an equal footing in society.
Wow, that is a special kind of stupid right there.
Ummm… what. I wouldn't even be able to debate such a moronic statement because I would probably just walk away in disbeleif. I could at least argue that the whole statement is wrong since theres plenty-a-women that are a far cry from majestic.
She needs to get pregnant by the neighbor and then have the husband find out and dump her. Then have the neighbor dump her because she's pregnant. Then her bitch ass can be pregnant and all alone. No one to help her and no one to care about her or her kid. The sad thing is she must still care about the husband a little bit or she wouldn't have gone as far as to give him a piece of cake for his Birthday. But one piece of cake and a cold meal, WOW!!! Happy Birthday!!! Time to go.
I would still debate whether or not she cares about him. I mean never mind her cheating on him with some lazy-ass, non-productive prick who has absolutely NO goals or ambition in life. But notice that she didn't even so much as wish him a happy birthday, and she simply just dumped the food right in front of him. I've seen pigs on a farm be given food in a better fashion than that.
Well, it's still better then 95% of other netorare out there in which girls are raped and mindbroken by an ugly old fat fuck (or a bunch of those). Here the woman is simply a bitch. Which is something I can at least find plausible. And her lover is at least somewhat good looking.