Ran♡Kon [English, now in TANK SCANS!, 194 pictures], by Hanzaki Jirou
Pushing plausability to its maximum limit, the story starts with a household made of five wives (one’s a widow) whose husbands, four brothers, are so busy with work they haven’t come home in two years. The wives suddenly ragequit on being respectable, and jump on the dick of the only available male, the younger brother of the four douchebags, aged 20, and only very briefly still a virgin
More girls join, the harem goes strong
I whole-heartedly recommend you that share, it’s all happy slice of life worry-free sex, served by good art, I just can’t have enough of those juicy erotic lips the girls have, perfect for blowjobs!! Additional kudos for the good-looking male hero, he is tall, muscular (with well drawn muscules, for a realistic build), with a good face, a nice haircut, and a good nature.
Thanks a lot to CovertOpBoobs and LazarusLP, from Lazarus H, and Hentai2read.com, their commissioner
–Update: great news! The manga is now officially using tankou bon scans, and no more magazine scans!
Compare this picture with this other picture. Okay? ^^
For this, we owe our great thanks to CustomX, who reedited everything, splendid work, thank you
For more, please see The list of Hanzaki Jirou / Bananajam’s works on Hentairules
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(208 MB, 194 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 2400 px to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 208 MB to 69 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
I normally don't gravitate towards "cheating" scenarios ….. BUT IT'S HANZAKI JIROU (a.k.a. BANANAJAM!!!!! xD
Finally got this one off my “To Download” list.
It was probably a foregone conclusion but Amaru has surpassed Takumi (“Love Love Rumble”), Ryota (“Mamagoto”) and all male protagonists from “Ama Ero Sweeet Sugar Baby” in the way that matters most:
Bottom Line ….. we need a new tank by Hanzaki Jirou – STAT!!!!!
will the tankoubon be less censored?
No idea. Perhaps it will be sporting mosaics+blur censorship. Who can tell.
Vaizard found the Amazon page for the japanese tankoubon (hence the current cover and backcover), but there weren't any additional preview images to give an idea of how the insides looked like…
I've got it ordered through another source, so we'll see. I hate to say, I don't have much hope considering recent trends.
Googling I found this: http://www.1999.co.jp/10319314
There's what appears to be a sample in the middle.
I sincerely hope the censorship has been added by the web shop on the preview sample, and won't appear like that in the commercial tankoubon, lol ^^;;
I haven't received it yet, but the scans that showed up show it's not as bad as feared . . . . http://nhentai.net/g/135610/
Already read until chp 8, This probably included the last chap 9. Well I guess I'll waiting for the less censored version to come..
… IF it ever comes. We cannot anymore hope for tanks to bear less censorship than magazine publications, nowadays
Aina was the best ^^ thanks for small version Oliver ^^
Fuck i'm delayed as hell on this site
Gonna catch up with tons of stuff. Thanks Oliver-san!!!
If that can help you, here, have a one-day depositfiles key! ^_^
Thanks man!!
Really appreciate this!!! This is why this is one of my favorite sites in the whole internet
Thanks again Oliver-san for the gift
Oliver, the depositfiles link for compressed version are dead.
Can you re-upload it?
Nice cover. I wanna take this one but your main DL link said the archive is not there.
Oh no.
Ah, well, that happens. Still, I like that one, so here you go
Hi Oliver, would you be re-uploading the recompressed version?
So Aina just accepted that Amaru fucks the others quietely. Either she is more a slut than we thought, either this is the MC who is a womaniser since the begining !