Natsume-ke No Nichijou [English], by Katsurai Yoshiaki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 20 comments

If I had sisters like that, I would never again set foot outside of my house.

« A femme fatale, an absolute male magnet. Her sexual appeal could almost be described as “bestial”, as if she were somehow exuding irresistible sexual pheromones from that alluring body of hers. » That perfect description, for the first of the two sisters of the male hero, starts the manga :3 The second sister is no less of a sex hound, also uniquely and obsessively directing her lust at her younger brother, only that she’s falsely looking composed and innocent to outsiders :D

And thus, these three siblings are drawn having TONS of happy threesome time. Besides the thick censorship rectangles, the only thing tarnishing my enthusiasm would be the slightly abusive nature of the girls, as the brother, although consenting, is never given any choice and is pushed into wanting even more sex.
The sexual intensity was extremely high, almost no page was wasted on anything else but sexyness. I loved it :D Thanks a lot, for this release, to Wehasband, Hihohahi, Mikocon and CellTF! :)

A bonus, this image that I received by mail thanks to an Anon

For plenty more, see The list of Katsurai Yoshiaki’s works on Hentairules!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(85 MB, 37 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 2500 px to standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 85 MB to 21 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

Just one funny detail, that I cropped for you… I don’t imagine Wehasband screwing up on this, it must have been Katsurai Yoshiaki himself (or herself) making a mistake ^^

huhu ^^

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9 years ago

I'm almost always happy to see anything by Katsurai Yoshiaki. I just wish he would continue the story in Amatsuka Gakuen no Ryoukan Seikatsu. I hope it's not ending at just two chapters and up in the air as it is.

BTW, the three color pages with Natsume Asashi originally appeared in COMIC-X-EROS 27, 2 issues before this story appeared if I'm not mistaken.

9 years ago

I dont think those black straps are bra straps, I think theyre the straps for a black lace top. You can tell by looking in the middle, how there's no cup shape to them, it's just a straight line from one side to the other. If it were a bra I'm assuming it would have terrible support cause it would just smoosh the two boobs together in the middle, and wouldnt lift and seperate (as a dude whos never worn a bra, this is just speculation).
I'm guessing its one of those Japaneese fair weather all year round things were they can wear three shirts and not die of heat stroke because a 80 degree farenheight summer is a blisteringly hot summer in japan. I may be wrong, I got no clue, this is all just speculation and guess work.

9 years ago

Those black straps had me confused too, because very clearly she was wearing something underneath that pink top. I thought the pink and the black were just a single top. I've seen girls wearing something that LOOKED like two pieces, but are actually one. Still, the double bra straps confused me. So yeah, two shirts…

9 years ago
Reply to  Mousse9

Yeah, thats a possibility too. Id say the male equivelent to that is the T-shirt with long sleeves sewed onto the end of the sleeves to make it have that 90's layered quality without having to wear two shirts.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

Haaa, damnit, yes, you're right !!

I didn't notice, but the tissue is stretched from one boob to another, it doesn't stick to each breast separately. So, yeah, a top, not a bra.

My mistake, well-noticed, Boat :)

9 years ago

Lets just say I was putting a lot of scrutany on the picture and leave it at that…

9 years ago
Reply to  MHM

say no more say no more.

Funny anecdote as to why I'm going to die alone (other than how I'm posting this on a hentai porn site), I was once having a phone texting conversation with a girl I had met on an online dating site, and I sent a pic message with the Monty Python theme attached (I don't remember why, but I remember that it made sense at the time). Much to my supprise she sent a message back saying that she loved Monty Python, and quoted a skit.

Now something that none of you know about me is that I have a useless talent of remembering things that make me laugh with great clairity. Ive honestly only seen the entirety of the Flying Circus once, and I cant have watched any one particular episode more than 3-4 times at most. But by god I can quote that show, because it made me laugh.

So I did. For the entirety of seven pages of 160 characters per page worth of old fashioned flip phone text message. And it wasn't just listing qoute after quote after quote, I blended them into a solid coherent narrative weaving a rich tapestry of story. I even threw in the "And now welcome to this weeks edition of Deja Vu, the show were we examine the sensation of Deja Vu" multiple timesmuch like in the episode it was in. And I used alot of the obscere bits, not just the staples that everyone knows. I made a solid wall of Monty Python 1120 characters long in one message.

Dead parrot, lumberjack, the queen is watching, nowbody expects the spanish inquisition, what kind of cheese do you have, I need a licence for my fish, spam spam spam, hide and seek olympics, and now for something completely different, musical mice, Dennis Moore, whats a penquin doing on the tele, the minister of silly walks, flying sheep, Scott of the saharra, the dirty hungarion phrase book, the deadliest joke in the world, the hospital for over acting, how not to be seen, DINSDALE, I QUOTED THEM ALL!

All this took me less than twenty minuets, and so I waited for her response. And never heard from her again. EVER. I probably spooked her so bad she mustve broke the sound barrier deleting my number from her phone.

So let that be a lesson to you all. No matter how much of a fan someone you meet is of something you share an interest in, no one wants to hear about you geek out about it.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

Argh, lol ^^

You have my sympathy. But, come on… You were sending you sweets at each other, and she suddenly received a cauldronful in the face, you should have asked yourself how she may have felt about it…

9 years ago

Oh I know it was entirely my fault, but to be fair we werent at the "exchanging sweet nothings" stage of the relationship, this was day two of texting each other to get to know each other to decide wether or not we actually wanted to even meet in person.

Besides, if that was what turned her off, she would have never gotten along with me in the first place. I'm way weirder of a person than just "big ass monty python quote text" weird.

So yeah, not a big loss, I just thought that was a humourous anecdote related to monty python quotes.

9 years ago

Lord Have Mercy – I have no words to describe this, but pictures will do fine. to the ladies: :p :p :p :p

… and to the little brother:… :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

9 years ago

There are no words to describe how awesome this one is.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  kcz117

Sometimes, actions speak better than words


9 years ago

You sir just made my day :)

9 years ago

Hey Oliver, one question: what do you use to resize images? Long story short I have a few doujins that are quite big in file size and I don't want to manually resize one pic at a time.

9 years ago

Got this one for you Oliver, (though I think at this point you really should put this page on your navagtion bar at the top of the site so it's alot easier to find. Just stuff it next to the identify tag and the help&info tag).

9 years ago

Ah thanks man!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Anon1

Thanks for giving that link!

I just added a mention of this in my "help" page.

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
9 years ago

She must be blind or something. ^^

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
9 years ago

Good hentai! :)