The Great Escape volume 3 [English, 206 pictures, Complete at last!], + the volumes 1-2-3 [English, 599 pictures] repacked together
The wait only lasted three years, here is the complete translated version of The Great Escape, volume 3, I am ecstatic !!
We meet again Ai Sugimoto, the super sexy highschool student with an absolutely, damnedly HOT body (large breasts, hourglass figure, falsely innocent face becoming totally lusty while her eyes become slanted – I find this erotic), who becomes extremely lewd as soon as anyone rubs her breasts. She’s having sex with plenty of different people (including her boyfriend, but not her brother this time), in slice of life setups : the stories aren’t worth much, it’s all about the excellent drawings, with very little (sometimes close to invisible) censorship, bursting with tons of erotic intensity
Maybe the printing ate too much of the shades and details, or it’s the lack of anal double penetrations, but I found the two previous volumes to be a even more lewd and more arousing… And you ?
This porn gem comes from Phantom, who has now apparently retired, and Saha, commissioned by ElecDrago, taking over where Phantom quit. Thank you so much!!
For MORE stuff, Cf. the list of ALL the works by Miray Ozaki on Hentairules)
One last note, I know the heroine gets on many readers’ nerves because she’ll sleep with anyone touching her breasts even though she has a boyfriend (and, to some extent, a brother ^^;;).
Please, allow me to quote my friend Zathael, who gave a perfect summary of our dear heroine :
« Ai Sugimoto is one of the cutest and sexiest totally brain-dead women in hentai. She has sex with people other than her boyfriend *all the damn time*, and yet, we forgive her. She doesn’t do it out of malice towards her boyfriend, she does it because she has extremely sensitive nipples, and absolutely *no* common sense. She is so cute and sexy, she could probably have sex with an entire football team, the marching band, *and* the waterboy, and we would still love her. »
Exactly, Zathael, exactly
I share 2 zips. First : the complete volume 3. Second : the voluimes 1-3 repacked together (a version that, I’ll highlight, I overhauled in some decent measure).
The complete volume 3
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(88 MB, 206 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
The volumes 1-3,
Repacked together, neatly and all.
Even if you don’t ask, I’m proud of what I did so I’ll impose you an explanation about the repack ^^
– The common internet versions (as in: that you can find everywhere) for the volumes 1 and 2 were, actually, quite incomplete
– I completed the volumes 1 and 2 with every previously missing tank picture, fetching them from the Japanese versions
– There are now valid covers for the volumes 1-2 (yep, formerly, these were the wrong pictures!), and I did some retouching to improve them a bit
– There are also a few split pages that begged for a joining, and obtained it from me
Complete pictures galleries :
Volume 1 – Volume 2 – Volume 3
Download the Three Free Hentai Mangas in a Zip file
Try to repeat that line above aloud without spluttering
(250 MB, 599 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
but, oliver, this volume3 is different from the one you last posted, where she's about to break up with her boyfriend and her nympho lifestyle for her manager, isn't it?
because that was borderline NTR to me.
Yep, this is a more recent series, not the volume 3.
I fixed all the links and thumbnail images in my redirection page, check it out
This shit's boring now, it's just rinse & repeat cheating.
Well, for a change, you'll then be thrilled to see we're going to be headed in the netorare direction in the follow-up publications T__T
If it does become NTR, the build up to it has been so disappointing i wouldn't even be bothered about it tbh.
A lot of NTRtards down-voting me as per usual.
the 6 color pages called tge-3-043 to tge-3-048 are not on the good place !!
they're part of the chapter 22 !!
they should be before the page tge-3-081
I simply viewed them as unrelated colorfoul bonuses. Just like in tanks, you have frequently the color pictures at the beginning, even if the part to which they are quite remotely related is located later on…
will u translate and upload vol.4? Anybody translate more than 33rd chapter
Saha is on it
But sadly there is now the DREADFUL blur-mosaics censorship of death, so I'm waiting for the full volume, I lost interest in sharing every new released chapter.
Do you want a link to Saha's releases ?
I'm following right now ty anyway ^^
Haha, allright then ^^;;