Sakaki-san Satisfaction [English], by Fue

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 13 comments

If it were me, I'd be almost dead after three, four times, and the girl would be horribly disappointed. Yay hentai, lol.

Two lovers working at a restaurant go to a love hotel and have at last all the sex they wanted, not a quickie at work, but the intense sausagefest they yearned for, taking all their time. Most of the manga is about the joys of French kissing (I’d tend to agree, it makes everything better), followed by oral/deepthroat/skullfucking, and vaginal time in the end.
Sure, there was the whiteout censorship, but, oh boy, that was intense :shock:

Update: I had forgotten, that’s a sequel to Sakaki-san Franchise!
Update2: Sakaki-san Franchise now belongs to Fella Hame Lips.
Credits are for Darkfire and Desu, thank you so much! ^_^

There’s more for you: see The list of all the works by Fue shared on Hentairules!

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9 years ago

This is of course a sequel to Sakaki-san Franchise. ^_^

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Archon1995

Wooops, you're right !

That had completely zapped out of my memory, at the time I was making the post O_o

Thanks Archon ^^

Grrawen the Bald
Grrawen the Bald
9 years ago

Hey there, I recently downloaded the original version of Inoue Makitos work Souyou Sekai that has little censorship. I had some time so I retouched it a little and replaced the Japanese text with that from the English translated version with the horrible censorship. This way it's much, much more enjoyable to read. All together it took me about 7-8hrs., it was more of a pain than i thought it would be, but anyway I don't know where or how to put it where people who want do download it can, if anyone has a suggestion speak up,I mean write it down.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago

Woah, that was a lot of work, it would have take me more time than that, even O_o

This is something I would be glad to share on hentairules, and, internet being internet, it would then spread everywhere pretty fast ^^

If that's up your alley, feel free to send me a mail about it ^^

5 years ago

Did he ever send you the uncensored version of sakaki san satisfaction?

9 years ago

Holy shit!!!! I wish I could have a boss like that:'(

9 years ago

"His tip is rubbing the G-spot in my throat"… Wut?

Fue is a great artist, but some of the shit the Japanese think up is horribly moronic.

Mad Hero
Mad Hero
9 years ago

I would actually like to hear that in real life. Anyway, I don't think anyone can top Teruaki Murakami for ridiculous comments and monologues

9 years ago

A woman would have to be pretty experienced if she can talk like that with a dick in her mouth.

9 years ago

Okay brave people, I have a search. There is an artist similar to Fue ins tyle I have been trying to think of. So far, all they have done is happy. One story involves a shop owner(older women) being with a younger customer. Another one is a drunk sister that comes home and sees her brother getting head from a girl and they end up together. It has been driving me crazy. Anyone have any ideas?

9 years ago

Finally Fue one of the "Kings of BJ Hentai" is putting out more stuff. i call him that of course cause he has some of the best BJ scenes in his works. i said "kings" cause of course there are others like "SETO Yuuki" for example. Lol i have categories and rankings like this for other artists. Just something i do for fun and categorize.

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
9 years ago

Good hentai like always, tnks Oliver!

9 years ago

Hey Oliver, the depositfile link is dead. Please repost. Thanks.