Hanabi Yori Dango [English], by Narusawa Kei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Hanabiiiiiiii!! ^_^

She treats him like a gopher and verbally abuses him. She must be in love, and is going to seize the first romantic (alone at home during a summer festival, with the fireworks going strong outside) opportunity to have loving sex with him, right ? Right! ^^;;
So, here we are, with a new Narusawa Kei release, thank you NecroManCr ! ^_^

This time, the drawing style felt a bit weird, maybe about the proportions of the hips, or how both male and female were “pettanko’ed”. An early work, or an attempt at a different style from the mangaka ? One thing remains, though, the fugly blur-mosaics censorship from hell, will we ever manage to get used to it ? :D

— Update: I’ll quote Hinoron, from the comments : « I haven’t seen an episode in years, (and it was never my genre) but are we sure this isn’t a dojinshi for “Boys Over Flowers” (Hana Yori Dango). The name is way too similar to be coincidence. », and « This title would be “Boys over fireworks”, FYI. »

By Narusawa Kei, to this day, I also share Anemone Star Mine 1-4, Ero-Koi in its Uncensored version, The March Rabbits Of An After-School Club 1-2, its sequel although it’s called differently: Houkago No Sangatsu Usagi-tachi chapter 3, Tsuyo Kano, Changing Miracle, Sis Lover, Head Shot Bakery, Kumagiri-san Wa Dere Nai chapter 1 and, in its uncensored version, Kare Kano Boshuu Chuu (“Relationships Wanted”).

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9 years ago

I *really* liked this one. I guess I am a sucker for tsundere girls. :) Oh, and this is NOT an early work from Narusawa Kei, this was published in January of this year.

Thanks a lot to NecroManCr for all their hard work and thanks Oliver for sharing.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

In january 2015 ?

But… but… the art looked less polished, the bodies followed a very different set of rules regarding proportions and volumes…

Oh well, an artist may experiment in new directions, then O_o

9 years ago

I haven't seen an episode in years, (and it was never my genre) but are we sure this isn't a dojinshi for "Boys Over Flowers" (Hana Yori Dango). The name is way too similar to be coincidence.

9 years ago
Reply to  Hinoron

This title would be "Boys over fireworks", FYI.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Hinoron

This is too much to be just a coincidence, at this point, indeed!

I cannot tell if this is just a wink-wink-nudge-nudge to the readers, or an actual hentai parody, so I'll simply quote you, Hinoron, in the description of the post :)

9 years ago

12 rounds!!! Man to be young again:p