One Time Gal Kouhen (part 2 of the One Time Gal series) [English], + a repack with One Time Gal Zenpen (part 1) + Kouhen, by Shinozuka Yuuji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments

And the daughter ? Oh, fuck her.

–Update: the first half, One Time Gal Zenpen, now exists in a decensored full-color version.

In One Time Gal Zenpen, a hot MILF disguised herself with a wig and her teen daughter’s kinda slutty clothes, and immediately got hit on by three young studs, who reminded her she could enjoy being very naughty despite being married. NEXT! In the present sequel, One Time Gal Kouhen, the daughter brings her boyfriend home, and no-surprise!, that was one of the three studs from before. To our still complete lack of surprise, he prefers MILF pussy, and the show goes on, onto a freaking weird conclusion O_o

Graphically, hmm… The drawings are censored as fuck (you know, the “lovely” *cough* blur-mosaics type), something partly compensated by the MILF-awesomeness of the heroine’s sexy body. She’s plump, meaty, busty, with a nice butt (oh god, in the beginning, when we see her in jeans from behind! MY EYES!! – and yet it was just a panel :shock: ), totally sexy, and her face reminded me of Amatarou‘s drawing style :twisted:
Thanks to Tigoris Translates for this release! :jap:

I also share other works by this artist, under the pen names Shinozuka Yuuji and Shinozuka Hiroshi (watch out: Hiroshi is a mistranslation from the past, and additionally, the similar-sounding Shinozuka Jouji – 醸二 – is a different mangaka.) Those works are, to this day: JK Bitch No Renai Soudan, Ore Ga Mita Koto No Nai Kanojo, Sarasareta Yokkyu, Fumajimena Tsuma, and the others exist in multiple versions… Delivery Sex: grayscale Uncensored version / full color Uncensored version, Oyako No Omoi: grayscale version / full-color Uncensored version, Yukino Sensei No Seikyouiku: grayscale version / full-color Uncensored version, and finally One Time Gal Kouhen + Zenpen (grayscale version) (this is the present share) / One Time Gal Zenpen (full-color Uncensored version).

I share 2 zips. First : the newly translated second part, Kouhen. Second : the two parts repacked together, first Zenpen followed by Kouhen. And then there’s a third optional Zip at the bottom, but maybe that’s just me loving to make things uselessly complicated ;)

One Time Gal Kouhen, the newly translated part 2

Complete pictures galleries :
One Time Gal: ZenpenKouhen

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(35 MB, 28 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Seriously, if you don’t want a spoiler in your face, just skip the mini-chapter right below, okay ?
You’re warned.

So. I must say the ending had me completely nonplussed and mostly pissed off. Look, I’m a father myself, so I don’t have much, theoretically speaking, about pregnancy and making kids… except that I don’t freaking enjoy it in my porn, for fuck’s sake :noway:
That’s a theme coming a lot in hentai, and only rare things perform better at sniping my boner, the fear of becoming a dad.
And here, well, duh, we got the full package, a one-time shot leading to pregnancy and he had a mother fetish and he becomes a good boy and resumes his studies and everything’s good under the good Heavens… Jebus, there, I found the ending incredibly lame and unconvincing, I viewed it as a spectacular fail :roll: :facepalm: :¬_¬:


One Time Gal Zenpen + Kouhen,
The complete pack :)

Complete pictures galleries :
One Time Gal: ZenpenKouhen

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(53 MB, 56 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were around 1750 px (Zenpen chapter) and at 2500 px (Kouhen chapter)
The zip shrank from 53 MB to 26 MB.
That’s not enough of a time and megabytes gain to make me share a shrunk version of just the chapter 2, sorry ;)
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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9 years ago
Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Odessy

Preggo sex :(

Well, still, as the saying goes, "that's something".

Thanks for the link nonetheless!

9 years ago

My guess is the whole pregancy thing comes from a subliminal messaging thing trying to get people in Japan to have sex, cause you know, rapidly declining birth rate.

9 years ago

Hell yeah, Oliver! You finally shared part 2! Saw it awhile back.
But damn, I know Shinozuka Yuuji & Shinozuka Hiroshi are the same person due to the same drawing style, but those two tanks you previously share of Shinozuka Jouji are actually made by the same person too? O_o Hard to believe.

When he used the Jouji pen name his drawings remind me more of Ishikei's, although the resemblance is there. Though, compared between the old & the new Yuuji/Hiroshi era, I much prefer the newer ones. Wilder bodies & faces, which are really cute, beautiful and alive. The old ones on the other hand, while pretty good on their own right, seems too stiff to my liking.

That aside, seems like this Shinozuka is on the road towards working on a new tank with these 3 and a half sexy chapters up. Let's hope he'd be doing well on his part and we'd get to see a new tank from him soon. B)

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
9 years ago

There is black bar censor version of Zenpen IIRC.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Seishiro Haga

An alternative translation ? Or a japanese Raw ?

9 years ago

it's here. Tank scan. Same translator, Tigoris.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  NTDK


Thank you NTDK!!

9 years ago

I am very disappointed the daughter did not see any action. That being said, great story, nice drawing style, and happy sex, very enjoyable.

9 years ago

great… an adulterous slut gets knocked up by her daughter's cheating boyfriend. =/

Guess I'll pass on downloading this share.

9 years ago

So basically the guy involved with married women and girls with boyfriends because… ¿does he misses his mom?………….shit, sound WEIRD and stupid.

Dream Shark
Dream Shark
9 years ago

Thanks for the share! ^^