Joshi Luck! After School chapters 1-2 [English, 80 pictures], by Distance
Update: good news, this post is obsolete!
The Joshi Luck series shares are now part of Anekomori, a 267 pages long porn nugget
More precisely, Joshi Luck is present within the pages 9-12 and 133-208
You had me at "Distance." Thank you!
A massive dosage (some might say OVER-dosage) of Distance. Just might result in "death by snu-snu" for some patrons of this corner of the Web.
Nice to see this story finally completely translated.
About the "finally", it has been more than a week since the chapter 1 was already released, but the grammar was so bad you'd be getting cancer from it, I had a painful time waiting for a V2 with the proofreading… Eventually, it was worth it =)
Speaking of amazing manga, check out this short non-hentai hentai manga, it's great.
Everyone should read this one.
Every. One.
Application of hentai logic in a non-hentai manga. Absolutely Fantastic.
"Meow" always at he right places ( ͡° ͜🔴 ͡°)
I think this work should be animated just like Triple HHH. Anyway Thanks for this. I really like this one. Anyway this harem hentai is so good but honestly in reality – backpain etc. Well there are few things that I envy those guys in those hentai – almost unlimited cum ammo :p, looks like they got bigger dicks then avarage (damm you B) ) and how easy is for them to please and make girl cum.
Bigger than average? I'd say they're usually as big as a black guy's dick. No racism intended.
And how they'll get going immediately after a shot.
Fuck, even with the best porn or with my wife, I can't restart at once, even when I would be dying to be able to do so![:D](
Matori is the best! thank you for small version Oliver ^^