A small update regarding my galleries system :)
Hello there!
It’s just a small update, I activated a mobile theme for the galleries on Hentairules. Now fitting to screen and all that.
Check it out, with any gallery you like, like for Man X Koi for instance, click any image and see for yourselves
Disclaimer : only working on smartphones, not on tablets, they are supposedly large enough to work OK with the normal display. If you feel I should also force the mobile theme on tablets, explain a bit in the comments, that can be done, but I don’t think it must.
According to Google Analytics the blog has less than 10% mobile visitors, so that’s not going to be a revolution, but I felt it was kinda nice nonetheless ^^
After this summer I’ll have – hopefully, lol – adopted a new theme for Hentairules, the blog, this time made to be mobile-friendly. It’s being still worked on, we’re getting slightly closer. At this time, even for the blog itself browsing should be less of a pain in the ass when you visit the site
Wow! A new theme! I can't deny it'll feel strange after being here for more than 8 years… wait, it's been 8 years already?!
That doesn't make us any younger, right, Shingy ? I started hentairules in the second half of 2006.
But my "eight years" reference was something else, it's the last time I found fit to update my resumé. After this I could use the same, or I found jobs through relations, then I started my company, then the company went under and I worked for a former competitor, however the market's been tough and I'm paid less and less, which brings me here and now. Phiew
If you're curious, the theme should look a bit like http://jinsonathemes.com/fabs/?themedemo=Firecrow
Although it would be based on the perfect architecture (fine on desktop, fine on mobile) of http://demo.woothemes.com/canvas/layouts/3-col-le…
A lot has happened in these 8 years! yours is like an journey
If I look back, my eight years were half school and half work. Nothing special. However my real journey was in meeting all sorts of people and being in situations that I thought would only ever happen in movies!! Specially sexual situations hehe. And I also got to meet the woman I love
Thanks for the early link! This architecture is the best for this type of site, some other websites can be very confusing, and I think this is how this blog is already.
The theme is cool, it separates every post very clearly. But if I can suggest to keep this blog's main colour palette, which I believe is orange/green/blue which shows in the background too.
Keep up the great work!
Yeah, I also regret wish I had the same color type, but that can always be customized later on. I need a basis to use
My oldest hentairules download was end of August 2007 but I know I had a crash at that time so I re-downloaded everything you posted here prior to that. I don't believe I was aware of you when you were at blogspot.
I just looked into my blogspot account, the old hentairules.blogspot.com is still blocked and still exists ^^;;
So I could check: the oldest post dates back to December 24th 2006 !
Nice! Sometimes I visit this site on my phone so this is a nice update when I do use my phone. The images in the gallary fit much better now
A confirmation it works well is always welcome, it's cool =)
Regarding the mobile theme on tablets –
Doesn't that sound all high falootin'?
Anyways, regarding the mobile theme on tablets – I do most of my web browsing, and at least half of my manga DLing (hentai or not) on my Android-based tablet. As is, this site and depositfiles are 100% compatible with my current setup. I prefer desktop version over mobile version of websites, so please don't force (or default display) mobile theme for tablets.
" all high falootin'? "
No idea what that might even mean ^^
For the galleries, it should be still the desktop display on your tablet.
For the blog itself, in the future, I imagine you will still have the blog display ?
A check that interests me, what happens if you visit http://demo.woothemes.com/canvas/layouts/3-col-le… , does it show both sidebars ? Only one ?
Your answer interests me, Hentai Addict. The version I'll have will have smaller sidebars, but it can be already useful as a test…
All high falootin is some broken grammar, meaning to speak in a manner consistent with putting on airs… sort of like 18th century speech.
Anyways, this one – http://demo.woothemes.com/canvas/layouts/3-col-le… – displays on my tablet as 1 solid page, no sidebars. There is a tab at top left that opens a sidebar that pushes about 80% of the page over.
The other one you linked to in a reply above – http://jinsonathemes.com/fabs/?themedemo=Firecrow – looks pretty nice, with 1 sidebar displaying on the right, that scrolls with the rest of the page.
As for the gallery you linked to in your post – looks great. Quick loading, clear display, easy navigating. And you picked a nice series to have as your example, too!
All in all, I look forward to seeing what improvements you put in.
Thanks for the feedback, mate.
I'll have to check if, with smaller sidebars (mine are 160 and 180 px, while here in that example they were super large) it still happens, on tablets, it shouldn't, at least on wide displays (yours is over 960 px, may I infer ?)
I also didn't understand at all that 80% pushing thingy, any chance you screenshot the hell out of it for me, or explain with other words ?
Unless that's totally normal and it reverts back when you re-click the menu button, I cannot tell, I have no tablet nor smartphone to test myself :o
I've got a confession to make – I've never used imgur or any site like that, one that someone might use to upload and link to a screenshot in a situation like this. I can probably figure it out, but if I don't have to…
So what I mean by 80% pushing over is basically this: the theme displayed as 1 solid page, with that tab at top left. Clicking on that tab brought up a side panel on the left which takes up about 80% of the screen (not that I measured, but it was a lot more than half), leaving the remaining 20% of the visible screen to display what was on the far left, with no option to scroll over.
That's a lot of words… if you still need screenshots, can I email them to you? I'll be offline till tomorrow morning (my time), but I can send you such emails!
I browse hentairules via phone somewhat frequently, so for me this is amazing. Thanks!
Thanks for the theme… my computer died some weeks ago so i can't download anything from this site. The mobile friendly theme came in the rght time!!.
Just in case you want to know, the theme doesn't let me enlarge the image when i put the mobile horizontally, just get tinnier than vertically.
Thx Oliver i use my smartphone quite often, so I really appreciate that "small update"
Hi Oliver. If I may make two suggestions: enforce this for tablets as well. For me! ;p No, really. The screen is not big enough. Also, add a slideshow timer. That's all. Thank you.