Midarana (“So Obscene”) [English], by Aino Chie

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments

I sincerely hope this kind of "super perverts" actually really exists, out there, in real life. Who knows ^^

Haaa, I like stories going the deliberately excessive route :twisted: Here comes a respectable-looking female student council president, overflowing with pride and self-confidence, who is a super pervert on the inside, walks commando with vibrators inside her and dreams of finding at last the man of her dreams who will treat her like she fantasizes about (basically: as a walking sex toy).
Under a strong comedy vibe, she finds, at last, the good boy who, although unimpressed and not very willing, was kind enough as to give her some dick ^^

So, OK, the drawings may be censored as fuck, but please, give that one a chance, it’s an amusing read, with a good-looking heroine ^_^
For this release, my thanks go to Kitsunetsuki, Palaxius, Cadenza, Ta-Aikah and Freudia, from Team Koinaka! :jap:

EDIT: in the comments, a cool dude called Hands Solo (I have no idea why the nickname!) mentioned this cool comic by the artist Nebezial (once again, no idea why ^^), that one could name “Run, Tony, Run!” ;)

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9 years ago

Hey, Admin. What's up with Deposit Files? The download pages (I tried several different ones) are AFU. I can't download anything. Any ideas?

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  gator

And the CSS is gone, right ?

That's happened to me a few times.

– log off depositfiles
– clear your depositfiles cookie
– clear your browser's cache
– visit depositfiles again, it should be back to working order :)

9 years ago

Meh ….. a fine line probably exists between expressing one's sexuality openly and without guilt versus having some "low self-esteem" issues. In this instance, the way the girl is portrayed left me thinking:

Just my take. o.0

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  MHM

But, you realize that if you told her how you feel, she would be *glad*, right ? That's all her fetish is about :o

9 years ago

dat niples, though

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  sancho

Even when pussy is censored, there's always the nipples, yeah :D

9 years ago

i don't mind the mosaic censorship, at least it's not that horrible "i'm reading an ecchi manga" whiteout censorship that totally destroys the artwork and it's arousal value

9 years ago

Great share Oliver, I gave it a shot because you really recommended it and despite the not that bad censorship, was a good read. Thank you, Kitsunetsuki, Palaxius, Cadenza, Ta-Aikah and Freudia for this share.

Hands Solo
Hands Solo
9 years ago
Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Hands Solo

Tony… RUN!


A very, very nice one, thank you ^^

9 years ago

Looks like he just conquered the "3-D girl route" :V

Achievement unlocked: "The real deal"