Let Me Bark For You + Let Me Bark For You Reverse + Let Me Bark For You ~ After [English, 134], by Ishigaki Takashi
Sequel time! First, there was Let Me Bark For You.
Then came come the follow-up, Let Me Bark For You Reverse.
And finally, we have Let Me Bark For You ~ After.
I feel this series has not received enough love. This is the story of two lovers really caring for each other, once their feelings are confirmed and voiced we discover they’re both overflowing with love and mutual care. Is that so bad of a trade, a few teasing and humiliating words, a bit of footjob, in exchange for daily awesome sex ? Both the girl and the boy enjoy being in a situation where the male part is the inferior and is actually sometimes treated like a dog.
So, we’re cool.
… just kidding, page 32 of Reverse will have you screaming, lol.
Graphically ? This series is strong with good vaginal and anal sex, decent oral time (ever heard the term “throating” ?), with (not in the Reverse sequel) bits of paizuri and footjobs and a fetish for japanese outfits (after-bath and after-sports kimono and pantyhoses). That would have been awesome if it weren’t for the moderately annoying black censorship bars
Thanks a lot to Desu and Donkey_Kong, and Kusojiji and Marien (Uzuki), Axalon, MrWayne, KirbyDances and Wavedash, from Little White Butterflies and The Lost Light!
By the same artist, using the names of Type-G and Ishigaki Takashi, I also share a pack of 2 works (Ore To Hayate To One Room and Ore To Shinburin To One Room), Fate, Cross 4 and Nanoha.
Complete Pictures galleries:
Let Me Bark For You – Reverse – ~ After
OK, now, things are getting complicated, sorry about that
– There are 3 contents:
>> “only” the Reverse story, the sequel of Let Me Bark For You, with 34 pictures
>> “only” the ~ After story, the final bonus, only 6 pictures
>> the “full repack” with both Let Me Bark For You, Let Me Bark For you Reverse, and Let Me Bark For You ~ After, with 134 pictures
– In 2 versions:
>> the “normal” full-sized version (sizes 2 MB, 64 MB and 158 MB), and
>> the “smaller” version with the images shrunk to 1600 px for Let Me Bark For You and Reverse (originally, they were between 1800 px and 2900 px high) and recompressed for ~After.
Because this is already a huge gigafuckingmess, I’m only offering one smaller version, for the full pack.
– The Reverse story
>> full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
>> smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
– The ~After story
>> full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
– The Full Repack
>> full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
>> smaller version, zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
Amazing, thank you so much! But I think the Pictures galleries for ~ Reverse is wrong.
Onto it.
Thank you for the help!
If it's any consolation to the "strangeness" of the mutual fetish (and there are probably stranger stuff out there), at least from all indications they're both in love with each other.
There's nothing wrong with a little kinkyness in ones life!!! Especially when the girl has big boobs and a great body:p
Oliver, did you know taht there is one chapter more? Let me Bark for You ~After~ , only 6 page. It is continued after chapter 3.
Doesn't look like that ~After~ chapter has been scanned.
it does, and already translated. Because WANI (you know what I mean), the release is dissappear. you can grab here by the way http://g.e-hentai.org/g/830226/8e06052e8b/
WOW!!! Having sex in a church while getting married. Now that would be one hell of a wedding. I can see a mass orgy at the reception. To bad it was only a day dream of hers:p