Immoral Lesson [English], by Yuugiri

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments

I think this would deserve to be elevated to one of the Rules of hentai: if there’s a rumour highschool girls have to have sex with rich influential men to pay for their school fees, then the rumour is necessarily true ^^
Just like here, two girls discover the rumour is true, and, well, finally, it’s quite good to be getting dick, and if that comes as a trade for fully paid tuition, successful-in-advance exams and the university of their choice, fuck yeah!

Graphically, the mosaics-blur censorship killed a part of the pleasure, unescapably, but I feel the artist Yuugiri has quite well dealt with this, reducing the times it’s annoying, enhancing as much as possible everything else, from the cute bodies, the positions, and the adorable faces the girls are doing, flushed and pleasured all along. Nothing rapey here, to my delighted surprise :shock:
Thanks a lot to Constantly for this release, I liked it! :)

By the same artist, I also share the sweet Seiso-kei (“Sex Junkie”), Ojisan Senyou Anadorei Mika, Bijo To Yajin (it’s part of a big full-color pack of works), Dark Palace Inyoku No Kyuuden, Hatsujou Training, Iinazuke Wa Hanshokuki, the despicable Hitoduma Goroshi and Inbai Shoujo Dealer.

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