Seiso-kei (“Sex Junkie”) [English], by Yuugiri

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments
Tags: happy sex

Two young adults agree to meet through online dating, and, this time, it’s the girl who is the most proactive one, whipping out the boy’s dick without him even noticing she did that. What a girl! What talent! And that lust!! :twisted:
The rest is simply great happy sex, with the girl demanding more, and more, and more… in the end, the “poor” boy is white with fatigue (comedy points++), but it was quite worth it :lol:

I can’t really describe why, but the way it was drawn, the way things happened, it felt more like real world sex (in the beginning of a couple, the first times) than most hentai mangas…
Long story short, if the drawings are to your taste, ENJOY! ^_^ Me, I sure did ^^
Credits are for Axalon, Mrwayne, Wavedash, DerEX and CellTF, thank you so much =)

By the same artist, I also share Ojisan Senyou Anadorei Mika, Bijo To Yajin (it’s part of a big full-color pack of works), Dark Palace Inyoku No Kyuuden, Hatsujou Training, Iinazuke Wa Hanshokuki, Immoral Lesson, the despicable Hitoduma Goroshi and Inbai Shoujo Dealer.

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9 years ago

She knew what she wanted and got it:p

9 years ago

Would she be an "Assertive" Girl, or should we up the scale to call her an "AGGRESSIVE" Girl?

9 years ago

I'd sign up for online dating if girls were this cute and proactive lol.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  hoccus

There ARE girls on online dating, but I think the really attractive ones don't need the service anyway, so you won't find them online, or with a probability so low it's not even worth dreaming about it ^^

I know a girl, one of the best friends of my wife, she had been single for a whole year, and she used online dating to find men. Why ? Because she was fat and even her face was ugly, and with online dating she'd easily get men who would like girls like her. She could even afford to be super picky and pick the hot studs among men rather than the virgins ready to fuck anything with a hole.

9 years ago

Yuugiri minus the orcs is epic!

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Raeon

