H.Ero – Sei No Kyoushitsu (“Classroom of Sex”) [English, 243 pictures, Awesome!!], by Takuwan
Maybe you won’t agree with me, but me I call this a masterpiece
Meet Taiyou-sensei, the manliest and most humane teacher ever seen in Hentai, odd but highly successful combination of banchou-based stories, of hentai, and of Great Teacher Onizuka
Taiyou-sensei will teach teenagers to believe in themselves, to stop hating, to understand and appreciate each other, to see the humanity in others and forgive their flaws. Oh, and orgies bloom whenever he sets foot.
The dialogues are wicked, the art is splendid (hardcore, detailed, generous, renewed, original, not too censored), I whole-heartedly recommend you that manga
Credits, I believe, are for Doujin-Moe and Mikakunin, thank you very much!
By the same artist, I also share Turning Point Anniversary Edition (234 pictures), Pakotate! Seikouritsu 0% No Teppeki Bishojo VS Seikouritsu 100% No Hentai Katei Kyoushi (235 pictures), Imouto Wa Boku No Ayatsuri Ningyou and Honor Student Ooshima Yuna’s Neglicence.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Troll note: page 118 = worst foot ever
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(250 MB, 243 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were 2400 and 3000 px high.
The zip shrank from 250 MB to 115 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
This the one where he fucks all the girls to improve their confidence, then hand them over once he gets bored to male students?
He also encourages the other students into having sex with each other, provides sex ed lessons, solves psychological blockings… The girls are never considered as leftovers, mate. Don't hate for petty insignificant reasons.
Still sloppy seconds. Just because the cuck males don't see them as leftovers, doesn't mean they aren't. he literally goes from school to school fucking the girls until they are pros, then moves on.
then, in your opinion, what should the author of a Hentai have done ? the story is what it is…
like anything else, you don't like it, you pass it… There are enough other masterpieces on the blog for you to enjoy without being salty or judging fetishes…
I know. right. Just his fucktoys to toss aside once he`s done. NOPE….sorry teach.
I don`t want your sloppy seconds,thirds or fourths.
Fuck yea!! This was awesome!! Thank you very much Doujin-Moe and Mikakunin:) Also thanks a lot Oliver for small version:)
So this is what Wolverine does in Japan
Is this Netorare or Cuckold?
Oliver, you call this a masterpiece.
Are you a Cuckold?
The more you complain, the best it feels, keep on going
In a ex-school of girls, still full of females, is it normal that I haven’t seen ONE ugly girl while some of the rares males characters presented in this story ( 6 in total ) are unsuccessfullooser’s archetypes ?
In a ex-school of girls, still full of females, is it normal that I haven’t seen ONE ugly girl while some of the rares males characters presented in this story ( 6 in total ) are unsuccessful looser’s archetypes ?
But I enjoyed it, so … FUCK LOGIC !!!
Hentais have always been made for us men after all, so who really care ?!! ^^